Thursday 6 February 2014

2014 - The Trilogy Continues...

Assalamualaikum semua!

Wow! Dah lama tak menaip di blog ni. Last entry pun pasal entah apa apa je. Sebenarnya buat blog ni cuma buat ada-ada je. Sekadar tempat meluahkan perasaan... But, it's good to have one. So, nanti I can brag to others about having one. Hahahaha. Aku ni dah lama malas nak menaip. Tapi nak luahkan perasaan. Ha, achaner tu? Sampai struktur ayat aku pun dah berbelit-belit... Pening nak baca lah!

Ok, back to the topic... As you can see the entry title above....

Yup guys, like it or not, it's 2014. (yeaaaahhhh...... in a hambar way)

Like seriously, it's 2013 2014. (tengok! sampai tersalah taip...)

Ok, I know the fact that it's already February 2014. 7th of it, the day I started this entry...
Dan aku rasa lifeless gila. By the fact that aku dah habis sekolah. Done. Finished.

Dan aku sekarang sedang menganggur.
Tanam anggur.
Kat rumah.

9 Januari yang lepas birthday aku yang ke-18. So I'm legally 18 years old. Meaning that aku:

  • eligible to enter any kind of adult events that limits to those who aged 18 and above; 
  • eligible to enter that kind of event without even needing the permission of parents and/or guardian (although sebelum ni, memang tak pernah tanya pun...)
  • eligible to enter any kind of website that requires you to be 18 before being able to view the contents (if you know what I mean)

Untung lah kan birthday awal. Well, it's actually not. It sucks. A lot. Like blueerrghhhh ..... ! xP
Early birthday does not make you feel happy. Orang tak ingat langsung birthday aku. Dan disebabkan itu, aku rasa unappreciated. Sobbing.... T_____T
(well, that's a sign of immaturity...)


That's the first part of this entry... which is now we're in 2014. I'm a lifeless unemployed ex-high school student. That's fine.

Now, why is it dubbed "The Trilogy Continues"?

Let me put it straight for you readers here.....:

1996-2002 : this is my childhood moments. 
starting from the day I was born to the day I finished preschool. I can't remember very clearly about anything that happened to me between these years, though.

2003-2008 : I started attending to primary school and a lot of things happened to me,
although there were not much photo-graphical moments to be kept as memories.

2009-2013 : these years meant a lot to me,
where I spent my teenage life living in both high school hostel and fully-residential school hostel. I made a lot of friends who would turn up as brothers for the whole period. yang mana doranglah tempat aku menumpang kasih, berkongsi saat pahit manis suka duka. peneman di kala waktu malam. sama-sama kena denda dengan warden, dengan cikgu. hahahaha, sweet times~~

Thus, the trilogy. Three different periods that I have spent my life so far. 2014 marked the beginning of a whole new chapter of my life, now that I'm 18 and about to go to college. This is going to be exciting.

Meeting new friends,
New teachers,
New b*tches and haters,
New tricks and tips,
New stuffs that I'll wear and tear

Much more things that will lost and found,
Much more idiotic moments...

Tak sabar rasanya! Wuuhuu~~~

Ok. So, that's all for this entry. Sorry panjang sangat. Maklumlah dah lama tak berblog.
Until then, stay awesome~! (ayat siapa entah, main rembat...)

P.S: Kalau ada masa jenguk-jenguklah channel YT kita. Hehehehe :D (self-promote.... boo! lame...)