Monday 13 April 2015

Finally done with Asasi TESL!

Assalamualaikum and hello peeps!

Well, it has been a week since I finished my foundation year. At last! FREEDOM!!!!

Although, I am starting to miss everyone now.

Well, we had a great year being together, and to wrap things up, we had the best night ever! Our Pre-Graduation Dinner! Kyaaaa~~!

So on Tuesday (7/4/2015), we had our grand dinner at the Sri Bestari Banquet Hall, Intekma Convention Centre and Resort, Shah Alam. It was a splendid evening, filled with balloons and colourful stuff. That night was given the theme "classical and elegant". So we expected everyone to be in their best suits and dresses, and they did.

Everyone was so handsome (for the gentlemen) and beautiful (for the ladies). The VIPs were the Dean of the Faculty of Education accompanied by the esteemed administrators, our lecturers from both semesters, not to forget Ms Melissa, the Head of Asasi TESL Programme, and also a few honourable guests.

The night kicked off with the singing of the national anthem and Wawasan Setia Warga UiTM, followed by du'a recitation and a remarkable speech by our president, Virtuoes. His words were still lingering in my mind as well as among our friends.

Last words from our president, Virtuoes Romana Maruning.

Then, the Dean also gave a speech to express his gratitude and congratulate the students for finishing their foundation studies.

After all the formalities, dinner was commenced! Great meal indeed, that night. Everyone was enjoying themselves and having fun, taking pictures and selfies. There were also performances by our friends like singing and dancing (Kpop - Asrul and his friends danced to Good Boy!) and also award, certificates, plaques and token of appreciation giving ceremonies.

"Night Changes" by Syafiq (BD)

"Set Fire To The Rain" by Nadiah

Poem recitation by Amira Jeffrey (my classmate!)

An energetic dance performance by Asrul and his friends! I am a good boy! ^^

A farewell song for everyone by Syafiq Sahak, Eizlan and Farid Farhan.

After all that, we had a speech given by Ms Mel. Then, a few montages were screened, reminiscing the great times we had over the year. It was so emotional and nostalgic. Finally, once the dinner had ended, everyone took photos! I guess words aren't enough to tell the stories, so here are some pictures during the memorable night.

Azwan performing his one last act as the Frog. Also, he won the Best Actor Award!

Aishah - Best Actress Award! Marvelous! Both from 020P2D!

Zahin and Aqilah were magnificent as the formal emcees.

A reunion family photo with my beloved 020P1E!

It gets better with our favourite lecturers, Madam Adzura was there too!
Madam Shireena also insisted to be there too!

The Best Dressed Couple! Both from 020P1E!

Lovely Diva Meyna and Dr Shireena!

Azwan & Aiena

The Back Benchers of 020P1E. Irfan actually smiles!
Ohhh.... just by looking at those photos makes me want to cry. I miss everyone so much! Well, I guess we'll see each other again, hopefully, in September. So, what should I do for the next 5 months? We'll see......

As Virtuoes said in his speech:
"Until we meet again"
"I don't have friends here. I have brothers and sisters"

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