Thursday 27 November 2014

Movie Review - Interstellar (2014)


[Sengaja saya tulis dalam Bahasa Melayu, nanti saya akan tulis yang baru dalam Bahasa Inggeris]

Hari ni saya akan membincangkan tentang rumusan filem terbaru arahan Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Memento) serta nukilan adiknya, Jonathan Nolan (Person of Interest) dibantu oleh beberapa kajian oleh ahli astrofizik Kip Thorne - Interstellar.

Sambil-sambil itu, kita belajar fizik asas dan penjelasan ringkas tentang konsep sains yang diaplikasikan dalam filem ini.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Dream Journal #1 - Starry Sky

Around 5:32 p.m.

Something was going on before this happened. I don't know what it is, but it felt close at home.

I was looking outside and saw with all amazed, the stunning night sky. There was a girl outside doing something (i don't know, i didn't saw it clearly). I was astonished and admired glancing the sky filled with thousands of stars and galaxies, and a band of fade white light stretching across the sky.

Another planet (similar to earth) was placed at the center of the night sky like a centerpiece. It was huge and so close, you could actually see the streetlights and neon lights shining down on big cities. The planet was half-day, half-night; part of it you can see it clearly like an atlas in broad daylight whilst other parts as if you're watching the global map at night.

I observed carefully and saw it was the South America continent. Then I remembered, it resembles like the Wechat homescreen. Funny though, there was no moon like it used to be. Maybe... we're living on it. That's why it's so close.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Pengalaman Temuduga Asasi TESL (Asasi TESL Interview)


Alhamdulillah. Semalam (19/4/2014) merupakan tarikh bermulanya jejak langkahku ke alam pengajian tinggi. Selesai sudah temuduga Asasi TESL di UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Sedikit latar belakang kenapa aku pilih TESL sebagai subjek pilihan aku boleh dibaca di sini.
Semuanya bermula pada hari Isnin (14/4/2014) bila aku check keputusan temuduga kat laman web UiTM dan dapat tahu yang aku dipanggil untuk temuduga di UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Sebelum ni pun, aku memang dah tahu kalau orang Johor ni kena panggil interview kat UiTM ni, walaupun ada UiTM Segamat. Sebab banyak baca blog-blog orang yang pernah kena interview ni.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, Asasi TESL merupakan salah satu program pendidikan UiTM yang mempunyai temuduga. Antara kursus-kursus UiTM lain yang mempunyai temuduga ialah (boleh dilihat di laman web ni):

  • Asasi TESL (E0150)
  • Diploma Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka (E2111)
  • Diploma Seni Muzik (E2112)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Skrin] (E2121)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Penulisan Artistik] (E2122)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Teater] (E2123)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Pengurusan Industri Kreatif] (E2124)
  • Diploma Komunikasi dan Media (E2130)
  • Diploma Komunikasi Media Baru dan Keusahawanan Kandungan (E2131)
  • Diploma Pengajian Sukan (E2260)
  • Diploma Pengurusan Sukan dan Rekreasi (E2261)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains [Kepujian] Senibina (E2300)
  • Diploma Senibina Landskap (E2302)
  • Diploma Ukur Bangunan (E2303)
  • Diploma Reka Bentuk Dalaman (E2304)
  • Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah (E2340)
Tu sedikit sebanyak tentang program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh UiTM dan ada temuduga yang diadakan sebulan sebelum kemasukan Jun 2014.

Jadi, bila aku dapat tahu aku dipanggil untuk temuduga pada hari Sabtu (19/4/2014), aku habiskan masa seminggu untuk prepare segalanya yang dia minta (fotostat sijil/surat beranak/kad pengenalan/surat-surat rasmi panggilan UiTM). Aku siap beli satu fail baru khas untuk tempatkan sijil-sijil tu, just to be proper and neat.

Tentang panduan nak ke UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru pula, aku dah check blog-blog lain yang dok cerita pasal Asasi TESL dan dorang kata lokasi UiTM ni betul-betul kat dalam kawasan perumahan dan takde peta khas untuk ke sana. Takde papan tanda/signboard yang nak guide kita kat sana. So, aku manfaatkan sistem perhubungan canggih masa kini yang dinamakan Whatsapp dan tanya kawan-kawan dan saudara mara aku pasal jalan ke sana.

Luckily, I have a supportive family, and saudara-mara aku pun supportive juga. Siap bagi alamat dan peta lagi untuk ke sana. Meh aku kongsi kat sini. (Klik gambar-gambar tersebut untuk nampak lebih besar)

Siap ada panduan secara menyeluruh and detail lagi:
"daripada hghway, exit hghway kempas.. lepas exit hghway, ade traffic light simpang empat belok kanan.. lepas belok kanan... terus lagi de jumpe trafic light belok kiri.. senang cerita ikut signboard ke setia tropika.. pastu akan lalu depan taman setia tropika.. terusss je.. dlm 7 or 8 km.. nanti kan jumpe kilang epson.. belah kanan.. then, lalu flying over terus je.. akn nampak trafic light lagi simpang tiga je trafic light ni.. betul2 lepas trafi light belok kiri akn nmpak bnggunan warna oren dgn hiasan ukiran kayu kayu.. betul2 lepas bangunan oren tu de simpang belok kanan.. belok.. n terus depan cket nmpak lah bngunan uitm... warne kuning purple.. smpai.. yeahhh!! huhu.." 
"ni student uitm jb yg bagi" 
"Uitm jb tu kecik je. Keliling semua rumah orang"
Anyway, that Saturday morning, we left Yong Peng at roughly 6 am because we knew it would take about one hour more or less to get to Johor Bahru. So, despite all odds, we managed to get there at 7.30 am, still enough time to spare for some breakfast. After that, we went back to UiTM Kampus Bandaraya JB and quite strange because there were already many people gathering outside on the campus compound.

Bila aku masuk ke bilik ujian tu, apa yang aku nampak ramai perempuan sahaja dan cuma ada dua orang lelaki! Bila aku ambil tempat dan duduk, aku mula kira senyap-senyap berapa orang perempuan yang ada. 30 orang perempuan. Wow! That.... was something I expected because boys doesn't even bother considering TESL as their option to continue their studies.

Ujian Bertulis bermula!
Setiap calon diberi dua keping kertas untuk mengisi jawapan objektif sebanyak 15 soalan dan helaian untuk jawapan esei (hadapan dan belakang). Kertas soalan mengandungi 15 soalan objektif dan satu soalan esei. (dah macam arahan kertas soalan pulak.. xD) 

Alhamdulillah, soalan yang diberi taklah susah sangat dan taklah senang sangat. Yang sedang-sedang saja~~ Soalan objektif perlu dijawab berdasarkan satu petikan akhbar/artikel/rencana/berita manakala soalan esei pula berdasarkan kenyataan dan kehendak soalan yang diberikan.

Petikan / passage yang diberi dalam soalan aku agak high-class dan ada perkataan-perkataan yang aku jarang nampak dan tak familiar. Macam 'despondent' dan banyak lagi. Tapi, aku kentalkan hati untuk jawab semua soalan dan habiskannya dalam masa 1 jam yang diberikan.

DING! Time's up. The papers were being collected. All candidates will go to their respective interview room according to their panel number. Panel number ni ialah nombor panel untuk tempatkan korang kat bilik mana dan kumpulan mana.

So, aku ditempatkan di Panel 1. Nombor giliran aku ialah 10 out of 20 calon. Dan ada sebahagian daripada 20 orang calon tu tak datang, so not exactly 20 candidates were present that day for Panel 1. Bilik interview aku pulak ialah L216 (maybe... I don't know, I'm not good at memorising numbers)

Sambil menunggu tu, macam-macam berlaku....

Aku jumpa dengan salah seorang calon yang sama panel dengan aku. Nama dia aku tak berapa tahu sebab aku pun tak tanya nama dia sangat masa tu. Yang aku tahu, dia dari SMK Convent Batu Pahat. Dan dia agak nervous jugak pasal interview ni (so am I). Dia dapat tahu pasal interview ni 2 hari yang lepas, which makes dia lagi huru-hara nak prepare semua benda tuh untuk dibentang masa interview nanti.

Sambil-sambil kitorang menunggu tuh, ada jugak beberapa soalan yang kitorang expect akan ditanya oleh penemuduga tu. Dan kitorang come up with some plausible and quite general (setiap orang bersetuju untuk guna jawapan tu kalau ditanya sebab benda tu semua orang tahu) answers. Here's some of those:

Q: What do you know about the current issues that is happening either in Malaysia or all over the world?
A: (semua orang setuju dengan jawapan ni) The disappearance and tragedy of MH370 in the Indian Ocean, where countries all over the world including Australia, China, United States and Malaysia itself participated on a world-wide collaboration to find the missing aircraft.

Q: What do you know about the current educational issues?
A: Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) (although some of us didn't have any idea what the heck was that..), Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025, Sejarah as a must-pass subject for SPM 2014, English as a must-pass subject for SPM 2015/2016.

Q: Why do you choose TESL? / What makes you deserved for TESL? / Do you TESL is the right option for you?
A: It is my passion / dream / ambition to become a teacher, and English is my favourite language. / I wanted to become an English teacher, that's my lifelong dream. / I wanted to change the society's mentality of thinking learning English is such a waste of time and it's worthless / I wanted to learn more about English and the language itself. (et cetera, there were many more plausible answers but I don't seem to recall all of them)

And these are just some logical questions that we can think of at that time. There were some questions like:
how will you see yourself in the next 5 years after finishing TESL or,
will you change to other courses if you felt like TESL is not your favourite course or even,
what will you do if you ever finished TESL.

These questions just came up randomly as we brainstorming ourselves on the crowded level 3 corridor of that UiTM building. It was getting hot and sweaty as more candidates from other courses who also came for the interview (Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah, Diploma Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka etc.)

An hour later...
It was my turn for the interview. I took some deep breath, opened the door, and greeted them.

Me:  Assalamualaikum
Iv:    Waalaikumussalam. Please take a seat. Are you Nur Ikhmal Zikry bin Rosli?
Me:  Yes I am.
Iv:    Can you hand us your files of certificates, please?
Me:  Here. *letak fail atas meja*
Iv:    *buka fail dan belek-belek sijil* Is there are all photocopies or the original? *referring to the certificates*
Me:  Oh, there are some photocopies.
Iv:    Oh, can I have them, please?
Me:  *bagi salinan sijil-sijil dan salinan dokumen2*
Iv:    *tengok slip SPM* So what name should we call you?
Me:  Ikhmal.
Iv:    And you're from the science stream.
Me:  Yes.
Iv:    Is it okay for you to change from science stream to social science?
Me:  Yes, I'm okay with that.

Hence, the interview began....

Q: Okay, do tell us about yourself, please. *sebab ada dua orang penemuduga*
A: Alright. Thank you. My name is Nur Ikhmal Zikry bin Rosli. I'm from Yong Peng, Johor. I studied in SMK Tinggi Batu Pahat, Johor. So, I live in a hostel there. My hobby is reading and writing stuffs, and my ambition is to become a teacher.

Q: Okay. So, what other things that you are interested other than English?
A: I like making videos or taking pictures. I love photography.

Q: What is your favourite pastime?
A: Well, as I said before, I like reading almost any reading materials available like books, novel and encyclopedia.

Q: And those reading materials, are they in Malay or English?
A: Mostly, English. Because I want to know more about English language because the language itself is a very complex thing. And I want to enhance and improve my vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. So, everyday I learn new things just by reading.

Q: So what can you tell us about the current educational issues?
A: *teringat berita hari Jumaat kat tv3* There was this case at Terengganu where a student claimed that a teacher stomped him on his face and was physically abuse at school. So, the student reported to his father and his father then lodged a report at the nearby police office.

Q: So, if the case is really happening, what actions should be taken to prevent this happening from happening again?
A: I suggest that teacher himself / herself should reconsider the first thing why he / she became a teacher, and rethink whether he / she deserved to teach the students and evaluate whether he / she ever had the responsibility or discipline. Because discipline is one important thing that we want to instill among students and we should set a good example for them.
*okay, this answer is a bit improvised, because I was stuttering when answering this question, but answer it word by word*

Q: What can you contribute to the program if you ever get selected?
A: *okay, part ni pun aku merepek apa pun aku tak ingat, tapi aku ada mention yang aku akan contribute idea untuk attract the male students to choose TESL as their option to continue their studies*

Q: And what ways can you do to do that?
A: *damn, jawapan tadi perangkap aku balik. -__________-*

Q: Well then, do you have any questions?
A: *I asked random questions afterwards...*

My questions:
Q: How can I know if I ever get selected to this program?
A: In 2 weeks from now.
Q: In what ways? Through mails or letters or calls, online whatsoever?
A: Online. As you know, now is the IT age.

Q: What do I have to do after this interview? Either to stay or go straight home?
A: You're done. Just go home, okay.

After that, I went back to Yong Peng for another one hour journey of tiredness and spent on sleeping in uncomfortable position inside the car with your two siblings.

So to finalize this, the interview just take time about 10 minutes, but the long wait makes you nervous. Don't be an introvert, talk to others and share some ideas about Q&A. A simple 'hi' might do. You don't know the chances that she's a friend of yours, unless you try.

So I hope this post could do at least a little of help to those who will face the same interview as mine. And, please forgive my terrible, terrible English. I'm still learning, okay.

Till then, good luck to those who will be interviewing sooner or later. And wish me luck, dear readers.

Update 14/4/2015:

Hey guys! By now, I have already finished my foundation program. Yeay!

So, ada beberapa lagi tips untuk temuduga ni.

First up, they will be asking you questions on how and why are you interested in English/taking this course?

Avoid using the same-old answer, I love English.

Use other kinds of answer. Maybe:
  • I want to learn and discover the language itself
  • I want to be able to speak more fluently
  • I want to be an English teacher
Kalau untuk how/what way did you learn English:
  • I regularly watch English TV shows/movies. Nak fancy sikit, tambahlah: I watch them without subtitles
  • I always read English books and novels (avoid using magazine, sebab informal)
  • My family/friends sometimes speak English with me
  • I learnt by experience - joining competitions, debates, story-telling, drama etc
Try to make a great first impression to the interviewer.
Show to them that you are eager and very interested to join the foundation program.
Make yourself comfortable.
Don't worry about your grammar in speaking. Confidence is key.
Avoid faking accents like English or American accents. They will affect your speaking.

And don't ever ever ever forget to make copies of your SPM result and your interview letter from UiTM. Prioritize those two things first. You can make copies of your certificates too, but not everything. Make copies of your achievement in English competitions, programs or activities.

Good luck everyone!

Read more about my journey throughout the foundation programme (yes, I made it!):

Saturday 19 April 2014

One Heck of a Week


Okay, this post might be a bit crazy and pointless. But I've experienced one heck of a week lately. Yet, as I said, this is some pointless posts among others in my blog. So, I'm going to keep it simple and short as I can.

Alkisah Mengisi Borang UPU - Why I Choose TESL?

[Update: 19/4/2014]
I had an interview with UiTM regarding the TESL foundation which went well as you can follow it on this post. UPSI has turned down my application. So, it's down to three options. Oh, and the IPG, I'm not listed for the recent UKCG qualification test. And I felt relieved for that, as there were 'ujian kecergasan' to be done, and as far as you know, this boy hasn't even stretched a muscle for the a few months since the big exam.

[Update: 18/3/2015]
I'm already in Semester 2 of Asasi TESL UiTM! Kyaaaa~~~ How time flies. Sorry if there's not much about the program I'm doing right now here. I'm quite busy considering it's almost the end of the semester, thus the whole foundation program. I'll keep updating about it from time to time. Thank you for reading this blog, everyone!

[Update: 15/4/2015]
Hey guys! Alhamdulillah, I'm finally done with my foundation program! Wuuuhuuu! It has been a great year, and I can't wait to share some stuffs with you guys so stay tuned here. And good luck to those who are going for the interview this weekend!



Hari ini (19/4/2014) menandakan langkah pertama aku untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke pengajian tinggi. Hal ini kerana, hari ini ialah hari temuduga untuk Asasi TESL di UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru.

Semua ni bermula pada bulan Disember 2013, aku mula isi borang permohonan aku kat UPU sebagaimana kebanyakan lepasan SPM batch aku buat. Untuk bahagian pilihan kursus, aku dah set dalam minda aku untuk pilih bidang pendidikan dan perguruan (lebih kepada bahasa). Banyak faktor yang membuatkan aku pilih bidang ni.


  • ibu bapa dan cikgu-cikgu aku ramai yang cadangkan aku amik kos ni, sebab dorang nampak potensi dan kebolehan aku dalam menguasai bahasa Inggeris
  • kehendak dan hasrat aku sendiri nak belajar bahasa Inggeris
  • memang cita-cita aku nak jadi seorang guru / warga pendidik (tak kira lah kalau tak dapat jadi cikgu, boleh jadi pensyarah, cikgu tuisyen dll)
  • majoriti orang yang aku jumpa (cikgu-cikgu, parents etc.) berpendapat yang orang lelaki ada peluang yang lebih cerah dan lebih besar kemungkinan untuk masuk dalam kos ni, disebabkan ratio antara lelaki dan perempuan di universiti yang amik kos ni kira-kira 30:70.
  • majoriti orang yang aku jumpa juga berpendapat yang kos perguruan / pendidikan ni lebih mudah untuk dapat pekerjaan setelah habis pengajian. keluar-keluar je boleh dapat kerja jadi cikgu atau apa-apa pun.

So, I'm gonna stick to those factors and principles as I gathered all my confidence by filling the first 4 choices out of 8 provided, with TESLs and English courses.

First of all, for those who are unfamiliar about what does the TESL acronym itself means. It's
Teaching English as a Second Language

Firstly, there were three choice of field that we wanted to be enrolled into. There were couple of options, but I simply set my eyes on 'Pendidikan', 'Bahasa' and 'Pengajian Islam'. I wanted to choose linguistics because that's what I'm good at. The third one was a safe option because I'm not prefer to choose fields related to engineering, mechanical, medical, science etc. because I'm simply not good at it. Then, moving on to the courses...

Apparently, there were only 4 offers given:

  • Asasi TESL - UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara)
  • Asasi Bahasa Inggeris - UIAM (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia)
  • Diploma TESL - UNISZA (Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin)
  • Diploma Bahasa Inggeris - UPSI (Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris)

Dan keempat-empat tawaran itu lah yang aku isi kat dalam empat pilihan pertama. Kebetulan pulak, empat kotak pilihan pertama tu ditanda asterisk berwarna merah (*) means pilihan tu adalah pilihan-pilihan paling utama kau. Dalam empat-empat pilihan tu, pilihan pertama dilihat sebagai yang paling utama (main priority). Part tu, aku decide banyak-banyak kali, even sampai habiskan kuota kemaskini aku (setiap calon diberi kuota kemaskini borang UPU sebanyak 3 kali) untuk tentukan sama ada mana satu tawaran yang paling aku nak. Last sekali aku decide untuk letak Asasi TESL UiTM sebagai pilihan paling utama.

Yup, ramai orang akan tanya kenapa hanya isi 4 pilihan sedangkan boleh isi kesemua pilihan yang ada. Well, aku mengaku memang rasa bersalah sebab cuma isi 4 pilihan je. But that's the only choices I had. It's all related to my SPM result. Bila aku kandas kat subjek-subjek sains dan hebat kat subjek-subjek teras dan bahasa, that had me thinking. I'm no science man, I'm a language man.

And yes, sepanjang-panjang tahun aku belajar subjek-subjek sains (the killer trio: FIZIK, KIMIA, BIOLOGI) and not to mention, the ridiculously difficult ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS, I had but only one conclusion:


Either aku malas nak belajar, atau otak aku dah tak mampu nak congak nombor dan hafal formula, ataupun mungkin subjek-subjek tu musuh ketat aku. Memang aku tak boleh terima dan tak rela lagi terseksa dengan kesengsaraan menelaah subjek-subjek ni. Kadangkala aku kesiankan cikgu-cikgu subjek tu yang ajar aku. Terpaksa berhadapan dengan seorang pelajar bermasalah yang tak boleh nak ngadap subjek ni macam aku.

Sorry teachers! -____-"

That's the main reason and only reason why I choose TESL as my utmost option to continue my studies in IPTA. Not only that, I even applied for the 'Institusi Perguruan' in the UKCG (Ujian Kelayakan Calon Guru) programme, and guess what I chose for the options: BM & BI. (although the UKCG is a programme where the graduates will end up becoming a primary teacher. but still. a TEACHER. heck yeah, i applied)

Now, I should tell you readers about my SPM result. It wasn't good afterall. No flying colours, except for 'colourful' grades on my result paper. It's like all the grades available in the system (except B, E & G) were there.

Official result: 1 A+, 1 A, 2 A-, 3 C+, 2 D

And that kids, is why I choose TESL as my primary option in the UPU. Well, hopefully I get to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher after this. For your information, as I pen this down, the UPU is still in process, so I don't put high hopes on the results, but I've seen some light shed and I think the chances are on my side this time.

Peace out.
Ikhmal Zikry

Thursday 6 February 2014

2014 - The Trilogy Continues...

Assalamualaikum semua!

Wow! Dah lama tak menaip di blog ni. Last entry pun pasal entah apa apa je. Sebenarnya buat blog ni cuma buat ada-ada je. Sekadar tempat meluahkan perasaan... But, it's good to have one. So, nanti I can brag to others about having one. Hahahaha. Aku ni dah lama malas nak menaip. Tapi nak luahkan perasaan. Ha, achaner tu? Sampai struktur ayat aku pun dah berbelit-belit... Pening nak baca lah!

Ok, back to the topic... As you can see the entry title above....

Yup guys, like it or not, it's 2014. (yeaaaahhhh...... in a hambar way)

Like seriously, it's 2013 2014. (tengok! sampai tersalah taip...)

Ok, I know the fact that it's already February 2014. 7th of it, the day I started this entry...
Dan aku rasa lifeless gila. By the fact that aku dah habis sekolah. Done. Finished.

Dan aku sekarang sedang menganggur.
Tanam anggur.
Kat rumah.

9 Januari yang lepas birthday aku yang ke-18. So I'm legally 18 years old. Meaning that aku:

  • eligible to enter any kind of adult events that limits to those who aged 18 and above; 
  • eligible to enter that kind of event without even needing the permission of parents and/or guardian (although sebelum ni, memang tak pernah tanya pun...)
  • eligible to enter any kind of website that requires you to be 18 before being able to view the contents (if you know what I mean)

Untung lah kan birthday awal. Well, it's actually not. It sucks. A lot. Like blueerrghhhh ..... ! xP
Early birthday does not make you feel happy. Orang tak ingat langsung birthday aku. Dan disebabkan itu, aku rasa unappreciated. Sobbing.... T_____T
(well, that's a sign of immaturity...)


That's the first part of this entry... which is now we're in 2014. I'm a lifeless unemployed ex-high school student. That's fine.

Now, why is it dubbed "The Trilogy Continues"?

Let me put it straight for you readers here.....:

1996-2002 : this is my childhood moments. 
starting from the day I was born to the day I finished preschool. I can't remember very clearly about anything that happened to me between these years, though.

2003-2008 : I started attending to primary school and a lot of things happened to me,
although there were not much photo-graphical moments to be kept as memories.

2009-2013 : these years meant a lot to me,
where I spent my teenage life living in both high school hostel and fully-residential school hostel. I made a lot of friends who would turn up as brothers for the whole period. yang mana doranglah tempat aku menumpang kasih, berkongsi saat pahit manis suka duka. peneman di kala waktu malam. sama-sama kena denda dengan warden, dengan cikgu. hahahaha, sweet times~~

Thus, the trilogy. Three different periods that I have spent my life so far. 2014 marked the beginning of a whole new chapter of my life, now that I'm 18 and about to go to college. This is going to be exciting.

Meeting new friends,
New teachers,
New b*tches and haters,
New tricks and tips,
New stuffs that I'll wear and tear

Much more things that will lost and found,
Much more idiotic moments...

Tak sabar rasanya! Wuuhuu~~~

Ok. So, that's all for this entry. Sorry panjang sangat. Maklumlah dah lama tak berblog.
Until then, stay awesome~! (ayat siapa entah, main rembat...)

P.S: Kalau ada masa jenguk-jenguklah channel YT kita. Hehehehe :D (self-promote.... boo! lame...)