Wednesday 15 April 2015

A Freshman's Guide to Asasi TESL UiTM [Semester 1]

Update (22/2/2016): Dengkil campus is the centre for all foundation programmes for UiTM: TESL, Law, Engineering and Science. No longer Asasi TESL intake in Lendu, Kuantan and Shah Alam.

Hello peeps!

I've been thinking so much to share my experience with you guys regarding the Asasi TESL program. So, here we are, a freshman's guide to Asasi TESL - Semester 1.

(For those of you don't know, Asasi TESL UiTM is a one-year foundation program consists of two semesters)

P/S: It's a very very long post, so don't skip anything! You're going to have a lot of reading to do in this foundation program. Trust me!

*First semester starts on June and ends on October

1) Interview

Well, of course, you'll be heading off for the interview first about a month or so before you are accepted into the program. Keep in mind that there are more than hundreds and thousands of candidates all over Malaysia that are having their interview the same day as you are.

So, you should be grateful and lucky that you are selected into the program after having the interview. You're one step into the game, man!

Once you're done with your interview, give a month or so and you'll probably receive a news from the UiTM (online, of course). If you do, congratulations!

First thing to do, open a Bank Islam account. This is very important since every payment (fees, allowance etc) is via Bank Islam, not other banks, as it's the official bank for UiTM.

2) College registration

On the registration day, you'll be required to bring all your clothes, your appliances, your study materials and such to the college you'll be staying.

3) Minggu Destini Siswa

This is very important. Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) is an orientation programme, often held in the first week for new foundation and degree intake. And I'll tell you, you're going to be so exhausted during this week, you'll be falling asleep at random places - maybe during the briefings, you will be cranky and moody and grumpy, sleep deprived, but at the end, you're going to enjoy and miss it.

This event will require you to be physically and mentally strong as you are going to be bombarded with multiple briefings, from different sectors of UiTM as they introduce to you every single thing about it. So it's your choice really, to hear or not to hear the briefings.

It's like a boot camp - wake up at 4 am, gather around at surau until subuh, breakfast, morning activities (either learning the UiTM anthem and songs - there are like 2-3 songs about UiTM you have to know), attend briefings, lunch, more briefings, dinner, more briefings, supper, sleep, repeat.

You don't have classes yet during the first week so don't worry about the textbooks and what subjects are you taking soon..... yet.

Just, brace yourself and prepare yourself for the worst.

Don't worry my friends, you will be guided by a group of seniors called 'Pemimpin Mahasiswa'. They will lead you the way, and sometimes nag or scold you, but you know, it's orientation.

There are several things you will be settling during this event:

  • Your matric card - A photo of you will be taken, dressed formally, to be put onto your matric card. This card will be your 'licence' throughout the foundation program. If you lose it, you'll have to pay RM50 for a new one. So take care of your cards very well, as you'll be using it for various things like borrowing books, entering libraries, making reservations etc.
  • Your student registration - You will need to prepare an X-ray and your important documents (copies of your IC, birth certificates, parents' IC and income slip etc). This is crucial for your database and recognition as a student of UiTM. The PMs will guide you through this.
  • Your scholarship - Yes, you read that right. There will be a scholarship/allowance given to all foundation students, roughly about RM2k, for each semester (plus if I'm not mistaken, 'tiket pergi dan balik' for students from Sabah & Sarawak. But you'll have to do the paperwork first - download the agreement letter and forms, fill them in, get your parents and an important person in your town to sign (don't forget yours too), get the Hasil stamp (2 stamps, RM10 each - you can get them from the post office or Hasil office) and submit it to the PMs that very week. You will also have to make three copies of your important documents and get them verified by the same important person who signed your forms. Also, you don't really get the money at that time; you will have to wait for about a month or so. Then, the money will be transferred to your Bank Islam account.

4) Subjects for the semester & studying issues

So, what are you going to study for this semester?

In Asasi TESL, students are to learn the four basic skills of English language: reading, writing, listening & speaking, and grammar. And there you have it: your four core subjects. You will learn these four subjects for both semesters. Also, in total you have 8 subjects, with 24 credit hours (each class is 2 hours, so there will be 2-3 classes per day).

What about the additional subjects?

For both semesters, students will learn a subject on Islamic/Moral Education Studies (coded as CTU). Another three subjects for this semester are:

  • College Study Skills 
  • Malaysian Studies
  • Computer Literacy.

Of course, you will require textbooks and notebooks for all subjects. Textbooks are sold to students by lecturers, so you will have to pay them to get the books. Please take note that most of the books that you are using for this course are imported, and they might cost you a lot. Plus the books are quite thick too.

Don't forget to validate your courses in the first week - this is quite important for your final exam. You can do so by accessing the i-Student portal.

How many classes are there?

The TESL students will be assigned to different classes (not according to their achievements or level of understanding). In each class, there will be a class representatives (we call it 'class rep'). They act like the high school class monitor - updating your classmates about new assignments or works or info by lecturers.

If you ever chosen as a class rep, do keep in mind that your duty is to inform your classmates every single thing. Don't keep these info to yourself, and make sure you inform them as early as possible. I'm talking about you informing your classmates that you will not have a morning class even though you got the message from your lecturer at 4 am in the morning. Trust me.

Lecturers are not like teachers in high school. They can have classes or cancel them whenever they want. So you might want to keep checking your Whatsapp class group for updates, especially in the morning. Otherwise, you'll complaining to yourself that you have come prepared for the day but failed to get the info that the lecturer is not having his/her class today. So yeah, once in a while, you will have cancelled class.

Cancelled class?

Yes. This can be a good news and a bad news: the good news is that you don't have a class; the bad news is that you will have something to do, or worse, have a replacement class, often in an unexpected time. Sure, there'll be plenty of surprises for you this semester.

What about assignments?

Well, I can't tell you everything but I can give you some insights about what will you do for each subject this semester.

College Reading (TSL011) - You'll be doing 4-5 journal reviews, which are a 200-word essay of your own reflection towards an article given. Lots of reading skills materials to learn.

College Writing (TSL021) - Assignments may vary according to lecturers, but it's about the types of essay you are learning.

Listening & Speaking (TSL031) - You will listening tests and learn about phonetics and proper pronunciation according to UK Revised Pronunciation.

Grammar (TSL041) - Well, pretty much everything about grammar, focusing on tenses and nouns.

Islamic Education Studies (CTU081) - Plenty of group works and presentation to be made. There is also hafazan or memorization of Al-Quran verses and also Qur'an recitation.

College Study Skills - You'll be studying.... well, about how to study.

Malaysian Studies - Remember the History subjects you have learnt during high school? Well, say hello to them back.

Computer Literacy - Assignments regarding the parts of computers. You will also need to make your own educational software for primary school students (individual) and a short video regarding technologies and education (group work).

Make sure you have your own laptop and pendrive/hard disk. This is very important for you to make your own assignments much easier and no hassle sharing other people's laptop.

Printers are optional, but essential. You'll be using this to print your assignments so having a handy printer by your own will make things a lot less tougher, especially if you're the kind who loves to procrastinate.

You can also bring your own wifi modem and subscribe to an internet plan. Of course, there will be wifi connection all around the campus, but due to the number of students using, it might get slow by times. So, like I say, do have a good Internet connection by your own as this might help you when doing researches for your assignments.

5) Other tips

- i-Student portal

You can find out everything about your UiTM status via This website will link you to the bursary (finance department), examination status, students affair, i-Learn and others.

i-Learn is a portal where you can find your study materials uploaded there by your lecturers. Certain lecturers, however, will use other alternatives like Facebook, Schoology, Whatsapp and such. Make sure that you are notified and get those messages early and fast.

You can also visit the UiTM Library website at where you can find past years questions and online books or journals for researches.

- Your matric card

If possible, wear your matric card everywhere you go. You might be penalized and get a warrant (saman) by Polis Bantuan if you are found walking around without it.


MUET is an acronym for Malaysian Universiti English Test. It's a test designed by the Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia to evaluate student's comprehension on English language and it is one of the criteria needed to further your studies, especially studies that are related with English language, such as TESL, Science, Engineering, Architecture and such.

For TESL students (or TESLians, familiarize yourself with that name, it's a cool name, okay? :D), we are so lucky that we have a subject included in our syllabus that prepare us for the MUET test.

Which subject? Listening and Speaking.

That's right. In this subject, you will learn how words are pronounced according to the UK Revised Pronunciation, and also a new set of alphabets called International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA). This set of alphabet is based on the sounds each letters from the ordinary alphabet we know everyday. I'll make a post on this subject later. It is so interesting, yet it so complicated. And, the tests and final exams is a lot similar like Listening Test in MUET.

In fact, we can use what we've learnt in our subjects during the real MUET test.

In MUET, you will be assigned to finish four papers;

  • Reading: You will have to answer 50 objectives questions based on several sets of passage in one hour
  • Writing: You will be required to write a summary and an essay.
  • Listening: For this part, you will listen to several conversations and answer the questions using the clues given when they speak
  • Speaking: You will be assigned to a group of 4 and there are 2 tasks for you to complete: task A - individual presentation, and task B - group discussion.

Registration for the test is opened around September or October and the test will be done in November. Don't worry if you forgot to register for the November test - you can still register in December or January for the March test.

MUET is very important, because the minimum requirement for you to be able to further your studies in the TESL degree programme is at least Band 4.


And that is your guide to Asasi TESL UiTM for this sem. I hope you will survive it and make it to the next semester. That's all for me. If you have anything, you can leave your comments and I'll be checking them once in a while to answer them.

Until then. ^^

P/S: Some of the points here are adapted from a good friend of mine's blog. Here's the link:


*Asasi TESL used to be in Lendu, Shah Alam and Kuantan before. Now it's in Dengkil. So down here is my previous experience back in Shah Alam*

In Shah Alam, for previous batches pre-2014, the boys stayed in Kolej Meranti located outside the main campus in Seksyen 2. But for my batch, we stayed in Kolej Perindu, right at the centre of the main campus.

The girls will be staying in Kolej Mawar, located next to Dataran Cendikia (I'll tell you more about this later) and situated much closer to the Seksyen 7 gate.

You will have to fill up a few forms and be given a key to your room, where you can settle your stuffs there. The arrangement in the room depends on the college: sometimes it is assigned, and sometimes it's first come, first serve. You will be together with friends from other courses too. In some cases, you could be the only one from your own course. So, make sure to say hi and be good to everyone!

Kolej Perindu's room can fit up to 8 people with 4 bunk beds, 8 tables and chairs, 8 lockers, 8 whiteboard, and two fans. On the other hand, Kolej Mawar is a bit smaller with each room capable of fiiting 4 people  with 4 single beds each.

This is a room in Kolej Perindu

Inside Dewan Sri Budiman

Getting to the faculty

Once you are done with the MDS and got your beauty sleep during the weekend (I know I did), the following week will be your very first week at your faculty. The beginning of everything. Hmmmm... but how to get there? In fact, where is the fact?

Being TESLians, you are now under the Faculty of Education UiTM. And where is it? Well, I did mentioned that the girls will be staying at Kolej Mawar, right? Now, Kolej Mawar is much nearer to the main bus stop where the TESLians will board (or rather, fight for their rightful place in the morning with other students, particularly Music students) the bus to Seksyen 17, your faculty.

'What??! Hold up! Seksyen 17? But I thought our faculty is in the main campus.'

Yes dear, we thought so too. But then, we were wrong. The faculty is NOT in the main campus. It is located somewhere else outside, in Seksyen 17. Bear in mind that the main campus is located in half-Seksyen 1, half-Seksyen 7.

So yes, TESLian will be using the bus everyday to get to the faculty. But you need to be early and fast. Since class starts at 8 am, the earliest bus will be at 7.40 am and you'll how crazy people get to be in that bus. One more thing, the buses don't really have an organized schedule, the buses come and go at an uncertain times, so if you need to be there early, make sure you're there an hour before leaving just in case.

You will be seeing a lot of buses like this one in the main campus, but the only bus that will take you to the Faculty of Education is bus E
Remember the bus code - Bus E. (purple sign)

For Perindu boys, unfortunately you have to walk down to the bus stop since the E bus doesn't go through Perindu in the morning, not until 9 am. So just walk down to Dataran Cendikia and you shall arrive at the bus stop. I suggest you're there by 7 am, so wake up earlier than that.

I'm not sure for you guys but the Faculty of Education has always been in INTEC campus Seksyen 17. I was informed that the Faculty is moving to UiTM Puncak Alam campus in 2016. But still, I'll just share what I've been through there.

Once you board the bus, you'll be heading straight to Seksyen 17 in about 15-30 minutes, depending on traffic. You can get there by RapidKL bus or taxi too, but it will cost you a lot though. When you arrived, the bus will drop you at a bus stop amid a neighbourhood then you'll have to walk to the faculty through the INTEC main gate.

Walk to your left and you'll find the Edusquare, home of the TESLians and other students of the faculty. This is the main ground where you'll be spending a lot of your time here. There, you'll find the Angsana Hall - the main hall of your faculty. The foundation classes are often the topmost level of the building - TEC 1, TEC 2, M310 and M311.

Cafes are available for students - there are three cafes in the campus: Kafe Gagak (located next to the main office), Kafe Mentari (air-conditioned, a bit further away, near the Dewan Besar INTEC) and Kafe Hensem (the farthest cafe from the faculty). The foods are quite nice but be careful with the price and hygiene, especially Kafe Gagak (hence, the name. You'll know why.

Since early 2015, classes will start at 8 am and ends at around 4-5 pm. Recess or lunchtime is from 12 pm to 2 pm, plenty of time to get your lunch and perform your solat.

You can also visit the INTEC library (a big building you can easily spot). It's an air-conditioned, 4-storey library so you can do whatever you want there: borrow books (this is where your matric comes in handy), study there, surf the Internet or just relax for a moment. If you have friends studying in INTEC, you can even meet them here, as they often come here to search for study materials and such. It's a very peaceful and calm place, a perfect place to take a nap indeed. :)


As you may know, Shah Alam is a big and developing city so the living cost there pretty high. Hence, you might want to prioritise your budget and consider what's worth spending.

For food, you can find them in Dataran Cendikia (where the bus stop is). It is literally a food town where you can find many kinds of food in the stalls and kiosks. Sometimes there is a bazaar where they sell clothes and accessories but it's seasonal. The food there are quite reasonable and the portions are sometimes outstanding.

But the downside of being foundation students here is Dataran Cendikia is obliged to the degree students. This is because they only open when there is a new degree intake or a new degree semester begins. Once the degree semester ends, so does the square. It becomes a ghost town with nothing available for foundation students. It's a bit disappointing too. So you have to be wise to find other places for food.

Seksyen 7 is also a food haven. There are various restaurants - mamak, masakan kampung, Western, Kelantanese, Chinese.... you name it - and also fast food restaurants - Pizza Hut, McDonald's, KFC, A&W. There are also some bookstores, clothing shops, printing shops, workshops and laundry shops. You can also go to I-City by foot via Seksyen 7. If you want to explore more about Seksyen 7, board the C bus or RapidKL 603 (if I'm not mistaken).

The same goes to Seksyen 2 (the main gate of UiTM). There is a food court that sells food with prices compatible for students (as it is close to Kolej Meranti). It has all the things Seksyen 7 has, so you can there via D bus or RapidKL 604 (I'm confused with these two RapidKL buses, so maybe try your luck)

RapidKL buses

To board the RapidKL buses, you'll need to pay RM1. Well, depends on your destination, but for the three RapidKL buses I've mentioned, you only need to pay RM1. Or, you can buy your very own Touch-n-Go card and use it to board the buses. You can get those at Seksyen 2 bus stop.

Seksyen 2 bus stop is where you can exchange buses to go other destinations too. There are buses that can bring you to:

  • Shah Alam KTM Station
  • Padang Jawa KTM Station
  • Plaza Alam Sentral / Plaza Masalam
  • SACC Mall
  • Setia City Mall - UiTM Puncak Alam
  • KL Sentral

Other places in UiTM Shah Alam

If you are bored spending time in the room, why not go out and explore the main campus?

  • There's a sport centre where you can play all sorts of sports and games (it's open till 11 pm)
  • Three libraries that you can pay a visit, they are called PTAR or Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak - PTAR 1 located in Menara SAAS; PTAR 2 located opposite the Faculty of Law compound (both PTARs are close to Kolej Perindu); and PTAR 3 located in the Engineering Complex (close to Kolej Mawar).
  • Menara SAAS is the central hub of UiTM Shah Alam campus. There, you can find the post office, banks, and galleries where you can learn more about UiTM history. To get there, board any bus that goes to Kolej Seroja, then drop yourself there and make your way across the streets to the tower. You'll need to climb up a few flights of stairs to get there. Menara SAAS is located next to Dewan Sri Budiman (the place where you'll probably have your briefings during MDS).
  • Next to Menara SAAS is the Budisiswa building where you can reach there through a bridge across a road. This building houses the Cultural Centre of UiTM Shah Alam and also a hall named Dewan Resital Panca Sakti.
For your information, UiTM Shah Alam campus is not situated on a flatland, instead it is located on top of hundreds of small and steep hills. So the roads are quite steep and winding in certain areas. You can go around the campus using the G bus or just wear your sport shoes and jog around.



  1. Fr the writing test at the iv, its about what?

    1. You can refer the comment section of a post I wrote about my experience being interviewed. I discussed it with the other candidates. Here's the link:

  2. Assalamualaikum,hi.I benefited a lot from your blog posts especially the ones on Asasi TESL and the interview.The way you write is really organized and neat,I appreciate that.So,I'd like to thank you.Terima kasi~Kamsahamnida,sunbae~Arigatogouzaimashita,senpai~xiexie,gege~ hahahaha
    From a TESLian-to-be.. *peace out*

    1. Waalaikumussalam, hi Hannah. Wow! Thank you so much too for spending your precious time reading my posts. I'm glad that I can help the juniors. Surely, I'll try my best to keep updating and put more stuff on Asasi TESL programme. Enjoy the course, alright. You are going to love it! :)

  3. Assalamualaikum! Hello there, can I ask something? How do you cope up with all of these subjects in a year? How has it been? I mean like, susah tak this foundation program? (Excuse my bahasa rojak) :3

    1. Waalaikumussalam. I tried my best to organize my time and priorities. Pagi pergi kelas, tengah hari lunch then more classes, then petang balik. Malam tu you nak study boleh, you nak enjoy pun boleh. Ada je bebudak TESL yang tengok tv series / movies, you know... procrastinating. Ada yang jenis belajar pun tak lah belajar sangat selalu. Essays can be done within minutes. No need to be fancy and smarty. Keep it simple je.

      Nak kata susah tu taklah susah, senang pun tak senang. Tapi kalau memang betul nak masuk and ada minat nak belajar TESL, surely God will help you. I mean, some of the subjects are quite easy if you already have the basics like reading, writing and grammar, even history. The rest are just more advanced like phonetics transcription, literature.

      To be honest, I find drama subject in Sem 2 the most relaxing of all. Santai gila. Yeah you have to learn a few plays and analyse some stuffs, but the best part is you get to perform on stage! Well except if you're an introvert or less outspoken... Tapi being in TESL, you really need to be outspoken. Which brings me to my next point, don't ever be shy. Tak kisah la English kita berterabur ke apa ke, just keep practicing. Everyone else is learning too.

      All in all, asasi TESL is not really that hard. Memang lah it's only English, but that doesn't mean it's not hard. Ada je bab bab susah sikit situ sini, but you'll have a lot of fun times. Less stressful than law or science foundations, in fact. Oh and be friends with lots of people. That way, you'll gain lot more - experience, friendship, information. Baru you tahu hidup universiti macam mana. Then you'll decide nak still be friends or not.

      I hope this would help you in a way. And sorry for the bahasa rojak too. :D

  4. Hai. Can i know what kind of question that they may ask during the iv session?

    1. Hai. I've shared my experience during the iv session some yimes ago. You can read it here:

  5. May i know does foundation in Tesl for those who wants to further studies in education field?Bcause i don't want to be a teacher..

    1. Being in foundation in TESL does not necessarily mean you have to be a teacher. FYI, foundation is just a fast track (just one year of foundation, compared to four to five years of diploma) for you to get to degree program. In fact, foundation program is on the same level as matriculation, diploma and STPM; the only exception is that it takes only a year to degree.

      If you don't want to be a teacher, that is okay. You can plan out what course you want to take after foundation in TESL. Consider it as a shortcut, a stepping stone to degree program - where it all counts.

      Some of my friends didn't continue to be in TESL courses, either they've chosen to, or they've just ran out of options and simply go with what they have.

      So, in the end, it depends to you if you want to be a teacher or not after foundation in TESL. But you can still join it for a year and jump to any degree courses you want. Make wise decisions. :)

  6. Alhamdulillah, thank you for your reply :)btw, I am considering to enroll in this programme but since it's full time learning mksdnya takda cuti right? maybe ada for 2 or 3 weeks mcm tu je kan? then if like keluarga nak balik kampung, or nak pergi bercuti and ofc parents dan angkut anak diorg ni kan haha. itu mcm mana ya? boleh apply ke?? and pihak university agak2 bagi tak if even nak cuti because ada plan trip for a holiday some where. kalau balik kampung tu maybe boleh la right? ahaha idk lah, hope you understand my question haha ^^

    1. Kalau berkenaan cuti ni, tak perlu nak ke pejabat pihak universiti semua tu. Of course, ada cuti dalam 2-3 minggu (contohnya cuti midsem, cuti perayaan khas dan cuti semester bila dah habis tiap2 satu sem). Tapi kalau macam apa yang awak tanya tu (nak ikut family bercuti etc), kena berunding dengan lecturer sebab dorang yang menentukan kelas ada ke tak. Tak perlu nak ke pihak universiti/fakulti, unless cuti yang agak lama macam cuti bersalin, cuti buat umrah/haji dan sebagainya. :)

  7. Assalamualaikum. I'm a pure science studens but i hate maths and physics and u know i hate that subjects. BUT I DO LOVE TO LEARN ENGLISH!!! SO, is it ok for me to choose tesl instead of science foundation?

    1. Waaalaikumussalam. If English is your passion, of course you can. I was a pure science student too! As long as you have these requirements, you're good to go.

      Taken from Asasi TESL UiTM's page:

      Candidates who wish to enter this programme must fulfil university requirement and possess the minimum qualifications as follows:

      · Excellent result in SPM or its equivalent with a minimum of 5 credit B+, B, C+, C grades including Bahasa Malaysia

      · Candidates must score a minimum distinction A- grade in English AND a credit in Mathematics or Additional Mathematics.

      · Candidates must pass a written test AND interview

  8. Assalamulaikum, kalau nak drop ctu boleh ke? Sebab im not that good in memorizing. And also assignment ctu081 tu ada kena tasmid bacaan ke? Or during the class does the lecturer randomly pilih students to read out a verse?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. I'm so sorry but unfortunately, dalam program asasi, memang tak boleh drop any subjects pun. Well, you can but you have to choose the other subject which is moral education.

      See, CTU ni ada dua - one for Islamic students, the other one is for non-Muslims. And yes, ada tasmik bacaan (kalau tak silap, surah Luqman kot). Yes, during class, lecturer akan randomly pilih students untuk baca - but don't worry, just have to read to your lecturer je, not to whole class (just like PAFA in secondary school, I think?). And you'll be given time to memorise the verses. :)

  9. did u get scholar at the beginning of your studies (like before the yuran & stuff) or payments by your own ? does it cost too much? and if my friend (she got E for her Additional Mathematics but her english were good) does she actually qualified for this ? & for now which uitm offers foundation in tesl? im sorry for asking too much haha & excuse my grammar as well, big thanks for your reply :)

    1. 1) No, I didn't get any scholarship before I begin my studies. I only paid the registration fee with my (well, not mine, my parents') money. Plus, as far as I know, if you're in foundation studies, you can't apply for PTPTN or any other scholarships, generally. Most would only offer scholarship to diploma and degree students. Even matriculation students don't get scholarship.

      And just like how matric students get their allowance, all foundation students will get a scholarship (not a loan) given by the KPM. So, not worries about that.

      However, you can still make an educational loan, I guess, if you want to. KWSP, bank loans, veterans. Just keep digging around.

      And, don't worry. You don't have to pay the yuran pengajian during registration day. In fact, you can pay whenever you like during your study. Just don't pay it too late like almost the end of semester baru nak bayar. Otherwise, you'll be barred from the final exam, or your result will not be handed to you etc etc.

      Not sure if it's costly, but foundation students will only require to pay yuran pengajian and yuran kolej (plus yuran elektronik, rm10 each for one electrical appliance). No yuran kokurikulum for asasi students, as you won't be taking any koko courses. Only diploma and degree students kena bayar yuran koko.

      2) If her English is quite excellent (like an A or something), I'm sure she would have her chance to be in Asasi TESL. Bottomline is, if you want to be in asasi TESL, just be confident and sure, and apply for it. :)

      3) Right now, all UiTM foundations courses (TESL, Science, Engineering, Law) are centred in Dengkil. Unlike previous years, they offer TESL in 3 places: Kuantan, Lendu, Shah Alam. This year's batch (2015/2016) is the first batch, so yours is the second one.

      No problem and you're welcome. :)

  10. Hi there. Nak Tanya.. Boleh tak from asasi TESL.. Kita nak ambik Spanish language degree kat UM? Thanks.

    1. Hi. Boleh je. Lepas asasi TESL, tak terikat pun dengan UiTM. Go for anything you want. In fact, one of my friend got a degree program in UPM in German language. So yeah, go for it if you want to! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Assalammualaikum.
    First of all, thank you for sharing this beneficial post though. I want to ask you regarding the TESL interview. In the interview letter, it is states that I should bring along some important documents and also certificates. Do you mind sharing what documents I should bring, other than my birth certificate and IC? And one more thing, about the certificates, should I bring all of my certificates since I was form 1 or I just need to bring the certificates when I was form 4 till form 5? Thank You in advance.
    p/s : Hopefully you could reply soon though!

    1. Waalaikumussalam, hi there! Congratulations!

      Well, what you should bring to the interview is of course (provide the original as well as copies of them, preferrable 2-3 copies):

      - your IC
      - birth certificates
      - SPM certificate (try getting the proper certificate one instead of the slip from your school if you don't have one)
      - sijil berhenti sekolah
      - parents' IC

      I'm not so sure about the other certificates like from the school or any competitions/activities you've joined. During my IV, I bring everything from my secondary school years. That's all. I saw people brought 2-3 files for their certificates. So, a tip for you, try to be simple and bring just one file. Gather the most important, highest, English-related certificates and make copies of them.

      Also, I think you can find the guidelines on what to bring and the do's and dont's in the UiTM website where you check your interview letter. Try take a look on that too. It'll help you a lot.

      Hit me up if you wanna ask more on this, ok? Good luck! :)

  12. Oh wow! Thank you so much for the tips and for replying though! Jazakallah!

  13. Hey Ikhmal! Today i went to Tesl interview. It was confusing at first because while i was waiting for my number, my name was called and i had to change my panel since they want to wrap this up quickly. Due to this, they didnt ask me about the current issue or about myself. And i had to do the interview with another person ( bet they are in hurry) It feels like we were just chatting and stuffs. The interviewer also gave us some life tips. I dont know if this is a good thing or not..

  14. assalamualaikum ikhmal. I went to the interview of TESL yesterday. My question is, did they take our ic and birth certificate only? It is because i brought every school kokurikulum certificates but they didn't take it.

    1. Ikr it happend to me too And niw im so worried that i might not be accepted there although ive joined a lot of competitions regarding this language. Btw do u know how to do the "rayuan" if i dont have rezeki there?

    2. Waalaikumussalam. Yes, they won't take all your co-curriculum certificates. Those certificates are just there to prove that you are active in school, and that most universities will consider to take those kinds of people so they can join more programmes in the university. Not only that, having certificates as proofs that you joined competitions and co-curriculum activities can convince them that you have a great social and soft skill.

      All in all, no worries if they didn't take your certificates, because they don't have to.

      Btw, as far as I know, there is no rayuan for any foundation programmes, only for diploma.

  15. Hye ikhmal. My family is planning for a vacation abroad at the end of this year. And from my calculations, I need to ponteng class dalam three days kalau saya terpilih dalam asasi tesl ni. Will there be any penalty or punishment?

    1. Oh my god, so sorry for the late reply.

      Frankly speaking, it's up to you to skip class or not during the first week. If it happens to coincide with your MDS, then you need some concrete excuse for that. If it's already the first week of class, you need to deal with the lecturers themselves. And make sure it's not too long, cause this concerns the attendance, and attendance is important in order for you to not get barred from the final exam. You need to find your own way to deal with this.

      Again, so sorry for the late reply.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hye fariha. I'm going to meet you soon. Where are you from?

  18. Hai bro. I got an offer from uitm for asasi tesl at dengkil,nak tanya,apa jenis pakaian yg perlu aku bawa untuk ke class? time class nanti memang wajib pakai kemeja & slack ke atau boleh pakai tshirt biasa? and one more thing is nanti pergi class boleh pakai jeans tak? kalau boleh listkan pakaian yg perlu dibawa boleh?. thankyouu

    1. Hai bro. Congratulations!

      Dress code: Formal attire (kemeja, tie, slack pants) only on Monday, casual attire (t-shirt, no jeans) on any other day.

      No round-neck shirts. All collared shirts. Strictly no jeans. :)

  19. Hello and Assalamualaikum, can you please tell me more about the interview session. What kind of questions did they asked you ? Do tell me. I'm very interested in this program but kind of afraid at the same time because its going to be a fast-learning program. Isn't it ?

  20. Hello and Assalamualaikum, can you please tell me more about the interview session. What kind of questions did they asked you ? Do tell me. I'm very interested in this program but kind of afraid at the same time because its going to be a fast-learning program. Isn't it ?

    1. Hi there. Waalaikumussalam.

      I wrote a post about this a while ago, regarding my own experience through the interview. You may take a look there and read the comments as well, there are a lot of possible questions, answers, tips etc. Link:

  21. Assalamualaikum, thank you very much for sharing all this information, it helped me understand more about Asasi Tesl since I'm still new. I have a question, what are the steps to register for Muet? Hope you could help, thank you.

  22. Hello, may I know what happens if I don't get at least band 4 in MUET?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Does candidate of SPM 2015 still can apply for this Asasi TESL for next year UiTM intake? Pleas reply:) Thank you!

  25. Salam, thank you so much for this information it is very useful for me as next year I'm plannning to apply for Foundation in TESL in UiTM. I just wanted to ask tht can I pursue my degree in another university instead of UiTM such as UPM if I used to study foundation (TESL) in UiTM? :D Thank you in advance.

  26. Thanks a lot for the wise sharing..I'm a civil engineering student but then,I'm really passionate in english... reading this makes me want to join the Asasi TESL program even more... So,I'm wondering.. what're the least requirements or grades in SPM result in order to get into the program?

    Like,do they really 'pentingkan ' other side subjects as well?

    Please bare with my broken english XD.. hope you can help me=)

  27. hye. i'm a form four student and i'm really interested in TESL. So, I have a question= what qualifications do I need to take this course? Can u pls tell me?! TQ.

    1. You can look up the qualifications here:

  28. hi! im 2016 spm leavers and planning to take foundation in tesl. what if my interview didnt go well does that mean im not qualified for any foundation programme in uitm or any universities? so i have to go for matric or dip?

    1. Hi there! :)

      To be quite truthfully, the answer is yes, if the interview don't go well, you will not be in the foundation program. Also, you need to keep in mind that the interview is for Asasi TESL only. Other UiTM foundation programs (Science, Engineering, Law) has no interviews.

      So what you can do if you found out you didn't pass the interview is to wait for intakes on September of the same year you got the interview, but for diploma programs only, because foundation intakes are only available on June (for UiTM). If not, there are other intakes on March and June the next year if you're willing to wait for it.

      All in all, I really do hope that you get to be in this exciting foundation program! All the best to you and your future endeavours! :)

  29. I'm a 2016 spm leaver. I have passion towards english but I don't think I am good enough. I'm afraid i might fail the interview. I want to know is it easy or hard the interview? And the students who takes Tesl, do all of them are very good in this languange?

    1. Hi there.

      I wrote a post about this a while ago, regarding my own experience through the interview. You may take a look there and read the comments as well, there are a lot of possible questions, answers, tips etc. Link:

      What I can say about the language level among the TESL students is they are about average or so. Some of them maybe more fluent than others but there are also a few others that barely speak the language yet really good at writing. So no worries or being insecure about your English, because basically everyone is learning. Plus, you only need to speak English in front of the lecturers, while still speaks in Malay or any 1st language on a daily basis *wink*.

  30. The history subject Malaysian Studies, is it same as we studied in the high school or lebih mendalam or lebih ringkas ?

    1. Sorry, can't remember. It was 3 years ago. 😅

  31. Hi Ikmal Zikry..Do you think i will have the possibility to be accepted in the Asasi Tesl enrolment if i apply because it requires 5credits in spm. I have only 4, which are English-A, Bm-B, Math C, P.Moral-A (Oh Im from science stream class)..TIA Ikhmal.

    1. Hi there. I'm not sure about that, but why not give it a shot? :)

  32. an addition inquiry, my intention for applying Asasi Tesl is because Im interested in Bachelor Language Studies (B.Inggeris) Professional Communication...
    If I am not qualified for Asasi Tesl enrollment, what are other ways to get the course that I want (Lang. Studies for Proffesional commuication)

    1. Yes, you can enter Asasi Law or any non-science foundation programs (which takes abt 1 year to finish, a faster way to get to degree), or any non-science, linguistic/language-related diploma programs (takes abt 3-4 years).

      I have friends that took Asasi Law, then got into EPC program (the degree program that you mentioned, the nickname). But you really need to be tough in order to be in law studies. Simply to say, TESL is much easier than law.

  33. Can I study law after I finish my Tesl for foundation?

  34. Firstly, thank you for the replies..crystal getting clearer..and Wow! Seriously? Take Asasi Law and got into EPC?? (Thanks for the nickname😉)
    Unfortunately, 1 yr asasi still requires 5 credits in Spm. But I will still fill the upu. Next opt to get Epc is..Form 6 since the study period is shorter than any diploma study (do you agree with me? (Not saying f6 is the least opt but..the courses offered in the Asasi tesl is of course wayyy interesting. How I wish!!!

    1. may I interrupt..well u can also go into matriks :)

  35. hey there,umm just wandering what you got for your spm results,im hoping mine would be enough to get enrolled InshaAllah

  36. Anyway i really loved reading about your experience,gives me more confidence and encouragement hihi

  37. final question hahah,i still dont understand how the system works,what im trying to say is that do all students that apply for foundation in tesl in the UPU system will be chosen for the interview or just a handfull.if so that all of them are chosen then it means the deciding factor of getting enrolled in the programme is by passing the interview???

  38. Assalam .. hey .. few weeks ago .. ive chckd my qualification in upu .. and for asasi .. only asasi tesl is valid for my results .. i love eng bt i'll be mssing learning maths if i tke ths course . and also im sriously dislike history .
    very much .
    and .. i wud like to ask .. For Malaysian Studies - History subjects tht have learnt during high school .. is it in eng ? and .. is it REALLY crucial to score ? hw about the topic ? totally sme like fm4 & 5 ?

    1. Wassalam. I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with final exams and assignments.

      Well, history is only a minor subject in this course, and lecturers barely focus on the subject itself. Most of the time, we'll learn or revise what we've already known in primary & secondary school (simple stuffs and facts only). So no worries on how to focus on this.

      If you're really interested in this course, you should focus on the core subject: reading, writing, listening, speaking, and grammar.

      That's all I have to say about this. Hope it helps. :)

  39. Hi there. Assalamualaikum. I need to know can we use our own transportation, like cars of our own?

    1. Hi. Wassalam.

      I'm so sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with final exams and assignments.

      From my past experience back in Shah Alam before they move all foundations to Dengkil, the rule states that foundation students are not allowed to bring any form of transportation (plus, it is kinda easy to get to anywhere with the UiTM bus going around, in and out of the campus. But you can sort of just bring one if you want to, just make sure you know where to keep it and park it safe, since the UiTM security there was pretty tight and strict. You can get clamped if you have no official sticker or park illegally.

      As for Dengkil, I'm not entirely sure with the rules and regulations there. I'm so sorry.


  40. Hi, I have finished my Asasi TESL this year and I will be taking the MEdSI test this Thursday. I was just wondering about the MEdSI slip. On the slip that we have to print out, there is a list of "pilihan program" and it list down the universities that we applied. I have applied for both UiTM and UM, but it only list down UiTM. What does the list mean? Some of my friends have all the universities that they have applied for, while some are like my case where they only have one. Can you please explain to me what that list actually is? Thank you :)

    1. Hi. Pardon me for the late reply.

      If I'm not mistaken, the intake application for UM is a different system from UPU, right? I mean, you can only apply for UM courses in their own website, instead of UPU website. Hence, I think the slip can produce or state your choices in UPU, because they cannot pull out what you've applied for in UM.

      Also, I'm not entirely sure about this, but I don't think MEdSI would be a requirement to enter any UM courses, since they will have their own interview (depending on certain courses). So, I don't really think this should be a problem. Again, I'm not quite sure about this, but this is as far as I know. Hopefully it would help. :)

  41. Salam Ikhmal..
    Do you still remember how much the semester fee for TESL foundation programme?

  42. as salam ikhmal,klu bab ptptn cmne ye,brape rm yg dtwarkn utk student asasi

  43. salam, may I know if I couldn't manage to pass the iv, can I still go to other matriculation/dip ?

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  48. Hi, can i ask something? I want to apply for the TESL program. Which pin number should i buy? The upu or uitm or matrik?

  49. Hi can i ask you something? For my SPM result, i got more than 5 credits but my english is B+... so do you think i can apply this course?

  50. what is the dress code for girls? thanks
