Sunday, 20 April 2014

Pengalaman Temuduga Asasi TESL (Asasi TESL Interview)


Alhamdulillah. Semalam (19/4/2014) merupakan tarikh bermulanya jejak langkahku ke alam pengajian tinggi. Selesai sudah temuduga Asasi TESL di UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Sedikit latar belakang kenapa aku pilih TESL sebagai subjek pilihan aku boleh dibaca di sini.
Semuanya bermula pada hari Isnin (14/4/2014) bila aku check keputusan temuduga kat laman web UiTM dan dapat tahu yang aku dipanggil untuk temuduga di UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru. Sebelum ni pun, aku memang dah tahu kalau orang Johor ni kena panggil interview kat UiTM ni, walaupun ada UiTM Segamat. Sebab banyak baca blog-blog orang yang pernah kena interview ni.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, Asasi TESL merupakan salah satu program pendidikan UiTM yang mempunyai temuduga. Antara kursus-kursus UiTM lain yang mempunyai temuduga ialah (boleh dilihat di laman web ni):

  • Asasi TESL (E0150)
  • Diploma Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka (E2111)
  • Diploma Seni Muzik (E2112)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Skrin] (E2121)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Penulisan Artistik] (E2122)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Teater] (E2123)
  • Diploma Teknologi Kreatif [Pengurusan Industri Kreatif] (E2124)
  • Diploma Komunikasi dan Media (E2130)
  • Diploma Komunikasi Media Baru dan Keusahawanan Kandungan (E2131)
  • Diploma Pengajian Sukan (E2260)
  • Diploma Pengurusan Sukan dan Rekreasi (E2261)
  • Sarjana Muda Sains [Kepujian] Senibina (E2300)
  • Diploma Senibina Landskap (E2302)
  • Diploma Ukur Bangunan (E2303)
  • Diploma Reka Bentuk Dalaman (E2304)
  • Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah (E2340)
Tu sedikit sebanyak tentang program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh UiTM dan ada temuduga yang diadakan sebulan sebelum kemasukan Jun 2014.

Jadi, bila aku dapat tahu aku dipanggil untuk temuduga pada hari Sabtu (19/4/2014), aku habiskan masa seminggu untuk prepare segalanya yang dia minta (fotostat sijil/surat beranak/kad pengenalan/surat-surat rasmi panggilan UiTM). Aku siap beli satu fail baru khas untuk tempatkan sijil-sijil tu, just to be proper and neat.

Tentang panduan nak ke UiTM Kampus Bandaraya Johor Bahru pula, aku dah check blog-blog lain yang dok cerita pasal Asasi TESL dan dorang kata lokasi UiTM ni betul-betul kat dalam kawasan perumahan dan takde peta khas untuk ke sana. Takde papan tanda/signboard yang nak guide kita kat sana. So, aku manfaatkan sistem perhubungan canggih masa kini yang dinamakan Whatsapp dan tanya kawan-kawan dan saudara mara aku pasal jalan ke sana.

Luckily, I have a supportive family, and saudara-mara aku pun supportive juga. Siap bagi alamat dan peta lagi untuk ke sana. Meh aku kongsi kat sini. (Klik gambar-gambar tersebut untuk nampak lebih besar)

Siap ada panduan secara menyeluruh and detail lagi:
"daripada hghway, exit hghway kempas.. lepas exit hghway, ade traffic light simpang empat belok kanan.. lepas belok kanan... terus lagi de jumpe trafic light belok kiri.. senang cerita ikut signboard ke setia tropika.. pastu akan lalu depan taman setia tropika.. terusss je.. dlm 7 or 8 km.. nanti kan jumpe kilang epson.. belah kanan.. then, lalu flying over terus je.. akn nampak trafic light lagi simpang tiga je trafic light ni.. betul2 lepas trafi light belok kiri akn nmpak bnggunan warna oren dgn hiasan ukiran kayu kayu.. betul2 lepas bangunan oren tu de simpang belok kanan.. belok.. n terus depan cket nmpak lah bngunan uitm... warne kuning purple.. smpai.. yeahhh!! huhu.." 
"ni student uitm jb yg bagi" 
"Uitm jb tu kecik je. Keliling semua rumah orang"
Anyway, that Saturday morning, we left Yong Peng at roughly 6 am because we knew it would take about one hour more or less to get to Johor Bahru. So, despite all odds, we managed to get there at 7.30 am, still enough time to spare for some breakfast. After that, we went back to UiTM Kampus Bandaraya JB and quite strange because there were already many people gathering outside on the campus compound.

Bila aku masuk ke bilik ujian tu, apa yang aku nampak ramai perempuan sahaja dan cuma ada dua orang lelaki! Bila aku ambil tempat dan duduk, aku mula kira senyap-senyap berapa orang perempuan yang ada. 30 orang perempuan. Wow! That.... was something I expected because boys doesn't even bother considering TESL as their option to continue their studies.

Ujian Bertulis bermula!
Setiap calon diberi dua keping kertas untuk mengisi jawapan objektif sebanyak 15 soalan dan helaian untuk jawapan esei (hadapan dan belakang). Kertas soalan mengandungi 15 soalan objektif dan satu soalan esei. (dah macam arahan kertas soalan pulak.. xD) 

Alhamdulillah, soalan yang diberi taklah susah sangat dan taklah senang sangat. Yang sedang-sedang saja~~ Soalan objektif perlu dijawab berdasarkan satu petikan akhbar/artikel/rencana/berita manakala soalan esei pula berdasarkan kenyataan dan kehendak soalan yang diberikan.

Petikan / passage yang diberi dalam soalan aku agak high-class dan ada perkataan-perkataan yang aku jarang nampak dan tak familiar. Macam 'despondent' dan banyak lagi. Tapi, aku kentalkan hati untuk jawab semua soalan dan habiskannya dalam masa 1 jam yang diberikan.

DING! Time's up. The papers were being collected. All candidates will go to their respective interview room according to their panel number. Panel number ni ialah nombor panel untuk tempatkan korang kat bilik mana dan kumpulan mana.

So, aku ditempatkan di Panel 1. Nombor giliran aku ialah 10 out of 20 calon. Dan ada sebahagian daripada 20 orang calon tu tak datang, so not exactly 20 candidates were present that day for Panel 1. Bilik interview aku pulak ialah L216 (maybe... I don't know, I'm not good at memorising numbers)

Sambil menunggu tu, macam-macam berlaku....

Aku jumpa dengan salah seorang calon yang sama panel dengan aku. Nama dia aku tak berapa tahu sebab aku pun tak tanya nama dia sangat masa tu. Yang aku tahu, dia dari SMK Convent Batu Pahat. Dan dia agak nervous jugak pasal interview ni (so am I). Dia dapat tahu pasal interview ni 2 hari yang lepas, which makes dia lagi huru-hara nak prepare semua benda tuh untuk dibentang masa interview nanti.

Sambil-sambil kitorang menunggu tuh, ada jugak beberapa soalan yang kitorang expect akan ditanya oleh penemuduga tu. Dan kitorang come up with some plausible and quite general (setiap orang bersetuju untuk guna jawapan tu kalau ditanya sebab benda tu semua orang tahu) answers. Here's some of those:

Q: What do you know about the current issues that is happening either in Malaysia or all over the world?
A: (semua orang setuju dengan jawapan ni) The disappearance and tragedy of MH370 in the Indian Ocean, where countries all over the world including Australia, China, United States and Malaysia itself participated on a world-wide collaboration to find the missing aircraft.

Q: What do you know about the current educational issues?
A: Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) (although some of us didn't have any idea what the heck was that..), Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025, Sejarah as a must-pass subject for SPM 2014, English as a must-pass subject for SPM 2015/2016.

Q: Why do you choose TESL? / What makes you deserved for TESL? / Do you TESL is the right option for you?
A: It is my passion / dream / ambition to become a teacher, and English is my favourite language. / I wanted to become an English teacher, that's my lifelong dream. / I wanted to change the society's mentality of thinking learning English is such a waste of time and it's worthless / I wanted to learn more about English and the language itself. (et cetera, there were many more plausible answers but I don't seem to recall all of them)

And these are just some logical questions that we can think of at that time. There were some questions like:
how will you see yourself in the next 5 years after finishing TESL or,
will you change to other courses if you felt like TESL is not your favourite course or even,
what will you do if you ever finished TESL.

These questions just came up randomly as we brainstorming ourselves on the crowded level 3 corridor of that UiTM building. It was getting hot and sweaty as more candidates from other courses who also came for the interview (Diploma Perancangan Bandar & Wilayah, Diploma Seni Lukis dan Seni Reka etc.)

An hour later...
It was my turn for the interview. I took some deep breath, opened the door, and greeted them.

Me:  Assalamualaikum
Iv:    Waalaikumussalam. Please take a seat. Are you Nur Ikhmal Zikry bin Rosli?
Me:  Yes I am.
Iv:    Can you hand us your files of certificates, please?
Me:  Here. *letak fail atas meja*
Iv:    *buka fail dan belek-belek sijil* Is there are all photocopies or the original? *referring to the certificates*
Me:  Oh, there are some photocopies.
Iv:    Oh, can I have them, please?
Me:  *bagi salinan sijil-sijil dan salinan dokumen2*
Iv:    *tengok slip SPM* So what name should we call you?
Me:  Ikhmal.
Iv:    And you're from the science stream.
Me:  Yes.
Iv:    Is it okay for you to change from science stream to social science?
Me:  Yes, I'm okay with that.

Hence, the interview began....

Q: Okay, do tell us about yourself, please. *sebab ada dua orang penemuduga*
A: Alright. Thank you. My name is Nur Ikhmal Zikry bin Rosli. I'm from Yong Peng, Johor. I studied in SMK Tinggi Batu Pahat, Johor. So, I live in a hostel there. My hobby is reading and writing stuffs, and my ambition is to become a teacher.

Q: Okay. So, what other things that you are interested other than English?
A: I like making videos or taking pictures. I love photography.

Q: What is your favourite pastime?
A: Well, as I said before, I like reading almost any reading materials available like books, novel and encyclopedia.

Q: And those reading materials, are they in Malay or English?
A: Mostly, English. Because I want to know more about English language because the language itself is a very complex thing. And I want to enhance and improve my vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. So, everyday I learn new things just by reading.

Q: So what can you tell us about the current educational issues?
A: *teringat berita hari Jumaat kat tv3* There was this case at Terengganu where a student claimed that a teacher stomped him on his face and was physically abuse at school. So, the student reported to his father and his father then lodged a report at the nearby police office.

Q: So, if the case is really happening, what actions should be taken to prevent this happening from happening again?
A: I suggest that teacher himself / herself should reconsider the first thing why he / she became a teacher, and rethink whether he / she deserved to teach the students and evaluate whether he / she ever had the responsibility or discipline. Because discipline is one important thing that we want to instill among students and we should set a good example for them.
*okay, this answer is a bit improvised, because I was stuttering when answering this question, but answer it word by word*

Q: What can you contribute to the program if you ever get selected?
A: *okay, part ni pun aku merepek apa pun aku tak ingat, tapi aku ada mention yang aku akan contribute idea untuk attract the male students to choose TESL as their option to continue their studies*

Q: And what ways can you do to do that?
A: *damn, jawapan tadi perangkap aku balik. -__________-*

Q: Well then, do you have any questions?
A: *I asked random questions afterwards...*

My questions:
Q: How can I know if I ever get selected to this program?
A: In 2 weeks from now.
Q: In what ways? Through mails or letters or calls, online whatsoever?
A: Online. As you know, now is the IT age.

Q: What do I have to do after this interview? Either to stay or go straight home?
A: You're done. Just go home, okay.

After that, I went back to Yong Peng for another one hour journey of tiredness and spent on sleeping in uncomfortable position inside the car with your two siblings.

So to finalize this, the interview just take time about 10 minutes, but the long wait makes you nervous. Don't be an introvert, talk to others and share some ideas about Q&A. A simple 'hi' might do. You don't know the chances that she's a friend of yours, unless you try.

So I hope this post could do at least a little of help to those who will face the same interview as mine. And, please forgive my terrible, terrible English. I'm still learning, okay.

Till then, good luck to those who will be interviewing sooner or later. And wish me luck, dear readers.

Update 14/4/2015:

Hey guys! By now, I have already finished my foundation program. Yeay!

So, ada beberapa lagi tips untuk temuduga ni.

First up, they will be asking you questions on how and why are you interested in English/taking this course?

Avoid using the same-old answer, I love English.

Use other kinds of answer. Maybe:
  • I want to learn and discover the language itself
  • I want to be able to speak more fluently
  • I want to be an English teacher
Kalau untuk how/what way did you learn English:
  • I regularly watch English TV shows/movies. Nak fancy sikit, tambahlah: I watch them without subtitles
  • I always read English books and novels (avoid using magazine, sebab informal)
  • My family/friends sometimes speak English with me
  • I learnt by experience - joining competitions, debates, story-telling, drama etc
Try to make a great first impression to the interviewer.
Show to them that you are eager and very interested to join the foundation program.
Make yourself comfortable.
Don't worry about your grammar in speaking. Confidence is key.
Avoid faking accents like English or American accents. They will affect your speaking.

And don't ever ever ever forget to make copies of your SPM result and your interview letter from UiTM. Prioritize those two things first. You can make copies of your certificates too, but not everything. Make copies of your achievement in English competitions, programs or activities.

Good luck everyone!

Read more about my journey throughout the foundation programme (yes, I made it!):


  1. Thank you so much for spending your time here. For written test, I would say 6 depending on how you already know the basic of writing an essay. It's because the one that I did was about something I kind of know a bit.

  2. Replies
    1. salam ikhmal , nak tnya yang favorite pastume tu kalau i cakap playing football is it a matter yang boleh jejaskan result interview or mmg kene ckap reading ?

  3. Hey i want to ask u about Your UPU, is this TESL your first choice?

    1. Yup. It was my first choice. :)

    2. how abt ur overall spm results? what did u get for the gce level?

  4. wow! impressive! by the way, thanks for sharing your experience...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. First of all, thank you so much sebab sudi baca this post out of all the results you may have found on google abt Asasi TESL.

      1) Your choices are great. Yes, I definitely support your choice to put asasi ekonomi as the 1st choice considering you minat islamic banking. For Asasi TESL, you only required grade A and above for English as well as minimum credit for other subjects (basically just the compulsory one, not the scientific optional subjects), and pass the interview and written test as I posted above. Yup, memang tak semestinya kena jadi cikgu. I did asked other seniors and most of them ambil Asasi TESL sebab nak jimat masa and not much sambung degree in TESL and considered doing other degrees. So, you're wise at applying this foundation in order to get to your favourite degree programme.

      2) Hmmm... not sure kalau ada asasi islamic banking. Kalau di UiTM (sebab saya sekarang masih di UiTM) hanya ada 4 asasi: sains, engineering, tesl and law. Asasi di universiti mungkin ada offer islamic banking, or at least, asasi ekonomi. In my opinion, I think you might want to consider other universiti's foundation programmes first, see if ada yg offer asasi ekonomi. Or not, you either follow Asasi Tesl or boleh pilih diploma islamic education.

      For me, it's better in diploma lah sebab in asasi tesl, you hardly learn anything about economics. You basically learn everything about language, so no economics, no calculations. Diploma in Islamic Banking might suit you better sebab ada early exposure on the subjects. Either way, your own choice. I'm just suggesting.

      Alright, hope I answered your questions. Sorry kalau panjang sangat =D

    2. Mohon pencerahan tpi dokumen yang die nak tu smue yg fotostat kan, bukan yang asli right?

  6. Hi there. I have a series of questions that needs to be answered.

    1) When did you apply for TESL foundation at UITM?
    2) What was the duration between the time you applied and the time you got a reply?
    3) How do I know if they have sent me a call for the interview?
    4) I sent my application via the UPU website with the TESL foundation as my first choice. That was in early March. Till now I haven't gotten a reply yet. Am I still being considered or did they completely overlooked me?

    By the way, love your blog. Very informative.

    1. Hi there. Thank you for reading too!

      1) I applied it around February or March 2014, if I'm not mistaken.
      2) About a month or so
      3) You can check it online. Usually they make an announcement about this. I was thankful that I followed this one page on FB that regularly updates about what to do after SPM.
      And you can check it regularly (well, I checked it everyday before entering this program last year) here: just in case they already release the result
      4)Try to check if you are chosen foor the interview. Go here: and click the asasi uitm. Enter your IC number, if you are chosen, you should see info about it.
      Don't worry. You'll just have to wait and regularly checks online bcs UiTM tends to make everything online now. Keep visiting the site just in case.
      If you put it the first choice, no worries then. They will consider you and your results. If you're chosen for the interview then that's another step.

      Thank you so much and I hope my answers help you. Do inform me your progress later. :)

    2. Oh ya, click the Asasi TESL one. Not the Sarjana Muda lepasan Asasi.

    3. I visited the website but the letters are black and wouldn't let me click it. I guess they haven't released the results yet? Thanks for the info though. Hopefully I get the chance to enter.

  7. hey ikhmal assalamualaikum and thanks for sharing those great information! well act, i got selected for an interview in asasi TESL uitm and am so glad tht i found your blog. so if u dont mind, theres a few questions here,

    1. does the essay question asks us to write in a given (berapa patah perkataan blabla)?
    2. wht is the type of essay question is about? like giving opinion, formal, or subjective?
    3. do i need to photocopy all of my certificates even theyre not related to english matter (mcm sijil PEKA, PAFA,) and sampai tahun berapa sijil yang dperlukan?

    i think thats all my questions. sorry if im burdening you but itll be an honour to get a reply frm u soon. thankyou and sorry for my bad eng!

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Well, sure.

      1. Not sure lah. Tapi ada, kalau tak silap. About 200 maybe. Entahlah. Sorry.
      2. More to giving your opinion to the subject. Let's say they give you a sentence, "Malaysia should encourage more campaigns to attract tourists" Then they'll ask you what kind of campaigns or method to attract tourists. Macam gitulah caranya.
      3. When I had my interview, I made copies for my SPM results, interview letter and certain certificates like what activities or competition that you had joined in schools. You can bring all your high school certificates or all those PEKA / PAFA certificates, but they might only want your SPM results and interview letters. Prioritize on those two first, okay?

      I think your English is not that bad. I wish you best of luck for your interview and hope you got into the programme!

  8. Thanks Ikhmal for all this useful information! I really enjoy reading it but still Im so nervous bcoz i got selected for asasi TESL Uitm interview on this weekend.

    First of all I wanna ask u some question:
    -How long did it takes for the essay test (i mean brape minit for 200 words)
    -What If I suddenly used "bahasa rojak" during the interview session
    -Is there any of ur friend in uitm with TESL course get A- for english just like I am (well saya xpndai sngt sbb Im not serious during SPM but still I like english since my early age)
    -Did u manage to answer all the questions they ask? (In case la klau ade yg xjwb..hehe)
    -Are they using all those difficult word during the interview

    Thats all for now..actually I have many questions I wanna ask but Im afraid it more to blabbering than asking..hehe Hope to get feedback from u soon Ikhmal! ^_^ Tq *sorry 4 my bad english

    1. Well, congratulations to you!

      - About 1 hour or 1 hour and a half, I think. I can't remember it clearly right now. Tapi takde lah lama sangat. I think after you have done, you can leave the hall I guess.

      - Well, try not to. But kalau dah terlepas cakap, just say sorry first then continue to speak English. Don't use bombastic or complicated words, use simple words and make simple sentences. That should help you a lot. And, keep practicing! The interview is just to see how well you can speak English and how confident you are when speaking.

      - Ada. A- is okay je. Masih melepasi syarat kemasukan UiTM. Don't worry much on that.

      - Alhamdulillah dapat jawab semua, eventhough ada certain soalan macam tergagap and terlepas cakap bahasa Melayu sikit sikit. But don't let that affect your confidence lah. Just go on with it.

      - No. Just simple simple words. No biggie words. Basically dorang akan tanya tentang current issues, especially on education. Oh, and do a bit research (not too much) about GST (sebab current issue sekarang ni). Just enough to make you understand the basic of everything on GST lah.

      Well, if you have any more questions, just ask me. No worries, your English is fine. :)

    2. Well, tq for those u've said before dokumen paling penting is Surat tawaran temuduga and Sijil SPM right? But my birth certificate is missing so hbt? Can I just not bring it along? But it's on the list so how...

    3. If that's the case, bring a replacement document as a proof that you have lost your surat beranak. Make a copy of that and bring those two things along.

  9. Thank you ikhmal! Your post was very helpful. The comments too. My English was not so well and just like Wanie, I got A- but still have some interest in TESL. (Plus my Sc subjects were not that good haha) I got an interview too this Saturday so wish me luck! Congrats because you've made it. As soon as I read your post and the way you wrote it, I know you will succeed. But what is your plan after finished your TESL? Do you still want to continue in language or change to another course?

    1. Your welcome!

      About the science subjects, to be honest, I didn't get any As for those subjects. But I really didn't care about them. In fact I gambled my choice to pick Asasi TESL UiTM because I know they wouldn't include or even look at my Science subjects. Later on when I did entered the programme, we didn't even learn those subjects - just pure English subjects.

      I wish you all the best. Do impress the interviewer with anyway you could imagine.

      As for me, I'm still pursuing TESL of course. I've already placed Bachelor of Education in TESL degree programme in UiTM as my first choice. So I hope by September, I'll be entering that program. Well, I didn't really have anything else to choose. I'm comfortable for what I'm already in right now. In fact, all my backup plans are related to English language only. Hahahaha. :DD

      Once again, good luck to you!

    2. Same like me..but wait a minute your name sounds we know each other hasnah harun? Kalau kenal bguslah sbb Im also on this saturday..Awak Uitm dkt mana kena panggil interview? If in case we r at the same place..we can met there as well! ^_^

    3. waniey and hasnah hi there . if you are doing your interview at seberang jaya , we will be meeting then . :)

  10. Hey there! Thank you, your post is very helpful since I'm going for interview this saturday. I'm so nervous, just thinking about it makes me feel like throwing up (it's my first time). So, Ikhmal, I have a question here that has been bothering me since the day I found out that I'm chosen for this interview which is only yesterday (excuse my exaggerated words, its in the blood). Do I have to bring every certificate I got in upper form, or I just have to bring the sijil berhenti sekolah and my spm result and my sijil koko? And another thing I'm worried about is the interview and the interviewer itself. Is it okay if say, I tersasul a bit of bahasa during the interview? Gosh I'm so nervous :(((

    1. Hey there, Hanaa! Your welcome too! Same here. I got those butterflies in my stomach too when I was about to have my interview. Well, at least you got the notice earlier. One of my friend even got the notice 2 days before the interview. Phew! Imagine that.

      Meh, exaggeration is good though. You'll find it handy once in the programme later. Hahaha xD

      You can bring all your certificates and pretty much everything in a file. But make a few copies of those things you have mentioned. The interviewer might want those copies as references. Make a few more if in doubt.

      Well, I know you're being so nervous and worrying too much. Been there, done that. Hehehe... but above all these doubtful thoughts, just be confident and sure. If you did tersasul and whatnot, just play along with it. Apologise first (mannerism counts too!) then resume your sentence. Use short and simple words and sentences, to make your points clearer.

      The interviewer - well they are doing their job. They just want to observe how well you speak and how confident you are. If they give you difficult question, try to say politely that you are not familiar with the issue or just say you don't know. But be polite. Make them believe that you can control things.

      Clear? Fuhhh... panjangnya! Hahahah sorry!

      But yeah, as I said, be clear, be precise, be simple, be confident!

      That's it. You're gonna ace this, girl! Good luck! ^^

    2. Hehe insyaAllah, may Allah ease everything. Thank you Ikhmal for your tips and advice! It really helps :))

    3. Hehe insyaAllah, may Allah ease everything. Thank you Ikhmal for your tips and advice! It really helps :))

    4. Hehe insyaAllah, may Allah ease everything. Thank you Ikhmal for your tips and advice! It really helps :))

  11. salam ikhmal.Anyway, what's up with the accents?.I am american accent-spoker.Is that mean i need to speak english with malay accent instead of british and american?I'm waiting for your reply soon.BTW,nice experience to be shared with us.It might be useful for this saturday..

    1. Wassalam. Well, I meant to say that you should avoid using accents sebab takut tak jelas pronunciation. Remember this: the interviewer are mostly TESL lecturers and in TESL, kita belajar pronunciation ikut British accent.

      But using American and/or British accent while speaking may sometimes be a problem. And ada juga kadang-kadang kes calon guna accent British and mispronounce some words sebab maybe dia pakai guna je accent tu.

      American accent is a bit informal juga. So to be safe, avoid using any accent. Bukan kata tak boleh, elakkan je. Kalau pandai guna, digalakkan juga, cuma berhati-hati je lah.

      Jangan pula dicampur adukkan dengan perkataan 'wanna', 'gotta' etc. That's all.

      Best of luck to you too!

    2. Thanks for replying me with your explanations.It's a big honour for me.I hope that Allah will bless you today and in the upcoming days.Sorry i can't use a bombastic words here.I'm quite good at speaking but suck in writing.If and only if you're willing to share some tips in writing,you are warmly welcomed.oh my english..

  12. Assalamualaikum and hye ikhmal.i'm iqbal...i've read your entry this time and it is really helpful since i will be going for the interview this saturday..the reason why i choose tesl as my first choice is because i love english..but i still can't see what kind of work that i preffered in the future..and i need you to help me..1) can you suggest some current issue that maybe i can focus on? 2) im really nervous about it and sometimes i get stutter (betol ke ejaan tu) im taking quite a long time thinking the next word while talking..and it is really how can i fix this problem 3) what should i wear? Hahax..nervous sngt nih..4)i like to move my hand around while it a big problem if i do that in the interview?...i hope you replying as soon as possible..looking foward to it. Sorry for my bad and unmatured english use. Hahax..still learning and improving..

    1. Waalaikumussalam Iqbal.

      Kalau pilih TESL ni, banyak peluang kerjaya boleh kita cuba. Yang paling utama sekali is being an English teacher lah, tak kira sekolah rendah ke sekolah menengah. Apart from being a teacher, you can be a translator, ambassador, lecturer, editor, drama teacher, linguist (pakar bahasa) and many more. Sebab course ni it is more towards the English language itself, jadi ia berkaitan dengan apa je peluang pekerjaan yang memerlukan kita to speak the language itself.

      1) Current issues right now would be, of course, GST. Try do a bit research on GST - the basic concept, 6% increase on prices, what items that are affected by GST and vice versa. Maybe you can relate the current issue with your neighbourhood or hometown - how does GST works in your local supermarket or grocery/provision shop.

      Selain daripada GST, you can focus on education like the Malaysian Education Blueprint / Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025. Take a look a bit on the basics like what are the paradigms, the steps, the programs to be done by 2025.

      You don't have to mess up your mind with complicated things, just know the basics. It's necessary. It will help you.

      2) Stutter - yup, that's right. Everyone's enemy. I stuttered too during my time. I had that problem too - thinking the next word while talking. But as for me, I use the method to use simple words and sentences. Try to make the sentence first in your head, maybe in BM, then pick your pause spot so that you can stop for a while, breathe a bit and resume your sentence.

      If you're stuttered, just be honest. Speak slowly but firmly. Maybe you'll get marks of articulation and pronunciation of words. Try not to show your nervousness by doing some stretch or warming up before entering the interview room. Talk with other candidates before entering. Baca doa banyak banyak juga.

      That's okay, everyone is nervous. Especially that day, before the interview. So you don't have to be awkward or afraid. Relax a bit.

      3) Wear formal attire - a long-sleeved shirt, a tie, slack pants. You'll be wearing this often later in the program, so be familiar with this kind of attire. Oh, and leather shoes, if you can find one.

      4) Not really. But don't make it obvious or too distracting while talking. It may help you when speaking, but it can be a distraction to both you and the interviewer. Do it slowly while your hands are down, like bawah meja ke.

      Or if it is worse, ask permission from the interviewer if you can do that as a way to ease your stress and nervousness.

      Your English is quite good. Keep practicing especially for the essay writing test later.

      Sorry kalau ada bahasa rojak dalam reply ni. ehehehehe harap membantu :)

    2. Hahax..thanks a lot ikhmal..your advise, it's really help me..thank u..guess i have to work hard now..hahax..insyaallah..wish me luck with my stutter prob..huhu..

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Assalamualaikum, If you don't mind me asking.. what was the title of the essay that you wrote during the writing test? Thank you! :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam. I'm sorry but I have already forgotten the essay title since I've already finished the foundation. I'm pretty sure it's about tourism or something.

  15. assalamualaikum ! :D haiii , i want to ask about the essay , what if we dont have the idea on what the essay want ? i have interview this saturday and im freaking scare and nervous. aiyokkkk ..

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Hai! ^^

      For this questions, I got helpful answers from my friends. Let's say if you're at your wit's end or mati kutu or buntu idea, use these tips instead:

      1) Try to make an essay that relates your life and the question. For example: if the question asks 'what way can you contribute to the national economy?', use the examples from your everyday life. Kedai runcit, koperasi sekolah, warung - start from there. Then relate them into the economy, like the question wants. In other words, start small. Kembangkan idea daripada situ. Lama kelamaan, idea idea ini akan menjawab soalan yang diberi. Insya-Allah.

      2) Try to find out what happened to the society nowadays and list down the problems or issues - just simple ones. For example, if the question wants you to explain the ways to prevent social problems...

      First, list down what problems or issues that might cause the end effects.
      Second, elaborate on those issues
      Third, show some examples or statistics

      3) Plan your essay writing. It's okay. Buat rangka dulu. Then kalau rasa dah okay, and cukup idea, baru tulis. Kalau memang takde idea langsung, just terangkan je apa definisi setiap satu perkataan dalam soalan tuh.

      4) When in doubt, just write whatever you want. But make sure it makes sense to the questions. Sometimes you can write lyrics too, that can relate to the question. You may get points on creativity. I'm just saying.

      5) Before going to the interview, do some readings. This is crucial and very very important. TESL is synonymous to reading so yeah, you should read more. Read just about anything, because later on when you entered the program (Insya-Allah), you will be doing lots and lots of reading. So start from now on! Read more!

      That's all I can suggest if in any way you absolutely have no idea what to write during the written test. Best of luck!

  16. Assalamualaikum , hai , this sunday , I'm going to the interview about this asasi tesl too . If you don't mind , can you share more tips to avoid shuttered? Cause' i'm soo nervous . Haha. Hope you can share more. Thanks for sharing the question on your blog! Really appreciated that :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam hai Ayuni! Congratulations and good luck for your interview this Sunday. Mind sharing where are you having your interview?

      I think you mean 'stuttered', right? Hahaha that's okay. Sure. Here are some more tips:

      - If you can, talk to others in English.
      - Try to memorise or watch TV shows or movies in English without subtitles.
      - Listen and look at the lyrics of English songs.
      - Do a bit research (Wikipedia, blogs etc) just about anything
      - Read a passage of a journal/novel/newspaper
      - Watch vloggers on Youtube!
      - Imagine yourself talking with your best friends in English when you're about to go for the interview
      - Doa, usaha, tawakkal.

  17. Assalamualaikum. Nak tanya, susunan sijil macam mana ae? By jawatan ke, year ke, or english activities to be prioritized? And do i include other certificates too even if theyre not related to english? Hope youll reply soon. Thankyou.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. For me, susunannya begini:

      - Surat temuduga UiTM
      - Keputusan SPM
      - Salinan IC
      - Salinan surat beranak
      - Sijil berhenti sekolah
      - Sijil aktiviti / pencapaian (utamakan yang more to English language)
      - Susun ikut year from Form 1 until Form 5

      You can include your other certificates, but this is optional since they will be more looking forward to watch you speaking. You're lucky if they flip through your files and look at each certificates as you talk.

      But as I say, prioritize the first 4 and make copies (lots of copies). The rest you can make copies if you want. The interviewer will surely want copies of your SPM result, surat temuduga, IC, surat beranak and certain documents.


  18. Assalamualaikum. Nice blog ikhmal. Btw, i will be going for an interview this sunday at uitm seri alam. I am so nervous and freaking out. I am even considering to not to attend the interview. Because, i dont think i can speak well enough in english evwn though i got an A+ for my spm. So, do you have any tips on how to build self confidence? And just nak tanya asasi ada berapa kelas and berapa student ye? *sorry for my bad english and thanks for informative entry.

    1. Waalaikumussalam.

      Hanisah, be confident and believe yourself. Your A+ in English is a proof that your English is quite good in writing. The only problem you have to overcome right now is keyakinan diri in speaking, right?

      Try to train yourself. Talk to the mirror and see how do you speak. I know it can be awkward and somehow weird, but this is one of the way to build your self confidence.

      Biasakan diri bercakap bahasa Inggeris - even when singing or listening to songs, or watching your favourite TV shows or movies. I know maybe you're afraid that your English is broken when you speak. That's okay. Try to improvise. Use simpler words and sentences to make your points straight.

      If you can, speak with other people in English. Be outspoken because in TESL, you need to be outspoken. Trust me. Gather your strength and speak!

      Masa saya dalam asasi, ada lima kelas. And no, pelajar tidak akan disusun mengikut pencapaian mereka dalam SPM, atau kehebatan mereka berbahasa Inggeris. Semester satu, pelajar diletakkan secara rawak. Mungkin dalam semester dua, baru pelajar akan disusun mengikut pencapaian final exam semester 1.

      Satu kelas ada lebih kurang 25-26 pelajar. Tak ramai pun. Pelajar dicampur adukkan tidak kira tempat asal, negeri, keturunan, bangsa.

      That's okay. There's more room for improvement. Keep asking if still ada ragu-ragu okay? :)

  19. Hahah terima kasih bnyk ye. Saya yakin nasihat2 awak ni akan jd sgt berguna utk saya dan yg lain. Once again, thank you

  20. Just want to share abt my feelings.
    I am so afraid to face all the interviewers tomorrow! Can u imagine that (mestila boleh) hahaha i dont know how to communicate well, how to speak fluently in english. I got A- and i cant believe tht i got the interview on Asasi TESL. ok i want to ask u something, did they want us to be good in speaking? Sure we cant use bahasa rojak right.... if terguna? How to coverline balik ha

    1. Hi there.

      Yep, been there done that. Memang rasa nervous, takut, bercelaru semua ada. Tapi, Insya-Allah semua okay je.

      Well, I don't have the right answer, but the interviewer may want to see how do we use English in daily life or while speaking, and how can we deal with it. Let's say if you tercakap BM, just politely say that you're sorry and just deal with it - continue speaking in English. If they laugh, that's a good sign of luck. If they don't, well just be firm and confident, admit your mistake and stay focus.

      Well, I hope that will not happen to you. Be cool. Best of luck to you okay?

  21. Asslamualaikum..
    lepas sye bace...sye rase makin berdebar...sbb esok sye ad iv program tesl....
    Sye tak tahu sye rase ape skarang nie....

    1. Waalaikumussalam.

      Don't stress out, don't freak out. Relax for a moment. Awak boleh ikut tips-tips yang saya dah kongsi kat atas. Takpun, kalau awak ada twitter, awak boleh follow #ivTESL, ramai jugak senior TESL yang dah share macam-macam cara nak deal with the written test and interview.

      So I hope you have a great time tomorrow. Be prepared with everything and good luck ok? Any questions, you can just ask.

  22. Ikhmal, I got the interview but guess what? Im a day too late. What should I do? 😨😨😨😨😨

  23. Assalamualaikum ikhmal. The asasi tesl result keluar 2 to 3 weeks after kan? Keluar sekali dgn result upu ke asing eh?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Erm, like you said earlier, try not to speak using accent. I have this friend who can't speak without an accent, or to be specific, she's more to american accent when speaking. I mean, she will sound weird if she doesn't do that, lol. So how is that?

    1. Well, the actual idea here as I intended to write it, is for you to not speak with a fake accent. I see some people tried hard to fake an accent and it sounds so.... fake.

      I am fully aware to those who were born and raised speaking with an accent, let's say American accent. If they are used to speak it that way their whole life, sure why not. Just do it.

      But if you have never spoken English with an accent, and suddenly you wanted to, without having full knowledge or even mastered the accent whatsoever, just stop trying so hard.

      It kinda annoys a lot of people, to be honest here. It kinda feels like you're showing off to others. It's just awful.

      But if you do have the ability to speak with an accent, then do so.

      Janganlah pulak konon nak speaking with an accent, acah-acah British accent, keluar Jawa accent pulak. :D

  26. salam ikhmal. Thank you for writing this entry. I read ur blog since last year after i finished my SPM. This entry is super helpful for me as i'm rooting for this asasi tesl. It means world to me. May Allah bless you and I pray for ur success in ur life. Amin.


    1. Wassalam bisya. All the best to you and good luck! :)

  27. Thanks Ikhmal . I got selected to attend TESL's interview in UiTM Merbok next week . I've got a couple questions for you if you dont mind .

    1. UiTM yg Ikhmal study skrg tempat yg Ikhmal interview TESL dulu ke ? Or UiTM lain?

    2.What if I couldn't answer one of their Question ? Will that affect my chance ?

    That's all . Balas ye ^^

    1. First of all, congratulations!

      1. Well, sekarang actually dah degree pun. Degree in English with Communication at UniSZA, currently in semester 2. Asasi tu just for 2 sems or about a year jugak lah (from Jun-April). Before this, macam dah tertulis kat atas, interview at UiTM Kampus Bandar JB tapi belajar kat UiTM Shah Alam.

      Tahun 2014 time tu, asasi TESL ada kat 3 tempat - Shah Alam, Kuantan and Lendu. Tapi tahun 2016, semua dah centralized kat UiTM Dengkil.

      2. Don't leave any questions unanswered. Kalau boleh jawab, jawab je. Hentam je apa-apa, biar merepek sekalipun. Interview ni actually bukannya soal kita boleh jawab tak soalan-soalan dia, tapi soalnya boleh & mampu tak kita jawab soalan mereka in English. They want to see your confidence in speaking. So kalau betul-betul clueless, jangan speechless. Hentam je apa-apa. Work your way through the question slow and steady. Be patient and jangan gabra and nervous sangat ye. :)

  28. Thank you so much.. it'll be my turn next week..

  29. As salam, hi there ikhmal!!! thanks for posting this helpful post. next week will be my turn to be interviewed so i would be very grateful if u could answer some of my questions.

    here it goes: there a specific colour or colours of clothing that we should avoid wearing during the interview that could maybe offend the interviewers???
    2. what happens if we could not finish our essay within the time limit???

    well, that is all. thank you 4 lending your busy time to read this!!!

    1. Wassalam. Wow! Congrats to you.

      1. Well, there are no specific rules about that but just keep it simple and formal. For me, pastel colours would do just fine. Remember, keep it simple and formal.

      2. Try not to write too long. Just be direct and simple. No need for bombastic words or such. :)

      I hope this would be helpful and good luck to you! :)

    2. Thank u so much for replying and giving this helpful tips. i will surely keep them in mind before and during my interview.

      Again, i appreciate your help thank u!!!

  30. As Salam ikhlam,
    Thanks a bunch for posting this miraculous article. I now have a better visual of the interview lah. I am going bonkers cuz i just found out that i got the Asasi TESL interview berry soon O.O *dying*. Anddd i got a few questions here..
    1) Ujian bertulis tu ade word limits ke?
    2) Are the people who interviewed you were serious? Cuz i am pretty bubbly kekadang ngarut jugak -.- and do they seek short answers?
    3) How is life at UiTM? Cuz i am also worried that i will not fit in or get stressed since ade byk assignments. I hope the TESL students are friendly people too.
    TQ for ur time :3 cheers

    1. Wassalam. Congratulations! :D

      1. Tak ingat pulak ada word limit ke tak, cause it's been like 2 years already. Hahahaha but I guess ada kot. Tips: don't write too long. Just be direct, simple and precise. That'll do it.

      2. The interviewers can be serious at times, but they'll try to ease the situation and y'know, make the conversations a bit santai to brush off our nervousness. But don't be TOO santai tho. You can speak as much as you want, but again, be simple and precise. All they want to see if how you manage the conversation and speak properly and confidently.

      3. Life in UiTM was and is great. Now, as you might already know, dah ada kampus untuk semua kursus asasi: TESL, Law, Engineering & Sains. Everything is new and fresh, insya-Allah kalau dapat masuk, you guys will be the second generation to be there.

      TESL students are perhaps the best people in the world. They are so friendly and helpful. Toksah risau dan bimbang nak kena speaking like literally every single day. Kat kelas je speaking, kat bilik nanti cakap biasa-biasa je. But yeah, practice makes perfect. Also, you are so going to enjoy this course. Memang akan ada banyak assignment and all that, but TESL students work best under pressure. LOL. Besides, TESL students should be outspoken and mesra dengan orang, so yeah don't be shy (well, you can be shy tapi janganlah sampai jadi kera sumbang kan?) and talk to others. Who knows, nanti dapat kawan perangai yang sama ke? XD

      Again, good luck ye! Be confident. :)

    2. Uuu sounds like a great life there at UiTM. Thanks for replying .. x sangka reply cepat sgt actually never thought of u to ever reply cuz u sound like a busy man! haha tq tq ye.
      And Yes the asasi students (broken english here) will all be in one campus. I just visited there today too, and it looks humongous and modern (alhamdulillah). I will try to socialize with everyone, i mean we're all in the same boat. Haduh cakap mcm dh dpt masuk pulak padahal baru je temuduga kott XD. So yeah, Thank you for the advise, good sir.

      P.S- LOL i do not think all TESL students work best under pressure though... maybe just you haha cuz if i do not have time for prep i would curl, cry and die-ishh :P

  31. Assalamualaikum. Here I am again hehe. I would like to ask you few questions regarding the interview,

    1) If they ask about current educational issues, do you think Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025, Sejarah as a must-pass subject for SPM 2014, English as a must-pass subject for SPM 2015/2016 will still be accepted for now?

    2) Your hobbies are reading and writing stuffs right? And I think both suit the course you chose 😂 while my hobbies are not. Is it fine? Or they actually count it too ? You know, since TESLians will have to read and write a lot hahaha. Sorry if this question is a little silly.

    3) What about the words they use? Tinggi sangat x?

    4) Is it possible for them to ask soemthing related to our hobby ? For example, if I say I love baking ... are they going to ask me the recipe or something ?

    That's all for now I think. I got a lot more to ask actually tp tetibe lupe hahaha. Thanks anyway 😀

    1. Oh wait ... I think Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia will still be accepted since it's around 2013-2025, right ?

    2. Waaalaikumussalam. Thanks for coming back. :D

      1) Yep, I guess that's quite recent so I think it's okay.

      2) I don't really think it matters at all. You don't have to be an avid reader or writer to be in TESL. However, if you do, that's a plus point for you. Sure, there's a subject specifically for reading and writing (as well as listening and speaking). Those skills can be trained over times. So yeah, I think that's just fine. TIPS: Whatever it is, don't ever mention about your hobbies if they never ask about it. If you do, good luck then! :P

      3) During my interview, the words were not that high, except for one word I particularly remember: "despondent". Sure, other people would treat it as a simple, easy word, but back then, that's one of the first English words I've never came across. :D

      4) Sure and yup. Once, my friend said she likes cooking, then the interviewer asked for the recipe on how to make nasi lemak. Be prepared if you dare to say so lah. :D

      That's okay. Just ask if you want to. Good luck! :)

    3. Thank you a lot! Well I guess I'll be using your tips 😂 I'll never mention about my hobby till they ask haha. God. What if we love cooking but we never try to cook nasi lemak ? 😂😂 Alright. Thanks again 😊

  32. Hi, Ill be going for this interview this Saturday. And I would really want to know what should I do as preparation especially for the test & interview. Ive prepared all the certs and important documents. Do u hv any suggestions on topics that I should read? Im so afraid if i mumble or so during the interview cause I guarantee that Ill be sooo nervous as this is my very first interview, do you hv any tips to overcome that? Thanks a lot.

    1. I want to know, how does the gce-o level grade that we got for the 1119 helps us in terms of applying for universities?

    2. Hi there! Congratulations!

      Try to look up for recent events, especially about education in Malaysia. Like perhaps the recent case of giving out the book voucher or the recent implementation of making History as a compulsory must-pass subject in SPM. Then try to analyse these events and make up your own suggestions and thoughts of improvement about this.

      Well you know (people said this a lot) but try to keep calm and be confident. If you're lucky to be not the earliest ones to be interviewed, use that waiting time to speak with other candidates. Trust me, you guys will be sharing a lot of things and who knows you might be talking to your new friends.

      The GCE-O level is especially very helpful because it shows the proof and grades of your English proficiency. So if you have them, you may present them to the interviewers. But then again, prove to them that you in fact CAN speak English calmly and confidently.

      Insya-Allah my best wishes goes to you too. Good luck! :)

    3. What if I don't bring the SPM certs but the slip instead? Will it effect the test & interview?

    4. You can bring the SPM slip, but do have someone such as your school principal / guru penolong kanan (any one) or ketua kampung to approve (sahkan siap tandatangan + cop sekali). In fact, you should sahkan all copies of your certificates to make it official. :)

  33. Assalamualaikum ikhmal :) Alhamdulillah i was called for the iv! One question: Do i need to do copies on my certificates? And.... i just need to bring one file right on the iv day?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Alhamdulillah congratulations!

      Sure you need some copies in case the interviewers want them. 2-3 copies would be enough. And yeah, one file is enough. Well, you can bring more, but then again, you're going to be so clumsy when you want to give the files to the interviewers. So, just keep it simple and bring one file. Okay? Good luck. :)

  34. Assalamualaikum mr. Ikhmal! You have amswered my questions before, and here i am now, with excited feelings bcs-guess what-i got the interview!! Alhamdulillah. Therefore i have a few questions to ask you if you don't mind.

    1) i have bought a blazer, a dress and also a skirt (below my knees) is that acceptable?

    2) how should I organise my certs and docs? Should i buy a new file specialised for the interviewers? What type of file should it be? Should i separate the original certs and the copies? Or should i just put them in together?

    3) do you have email/whatsapp so i can contact you if i have any questions? If so, could you please email to me ( if you dont want to post it here. And also, if you dont mind me asking :)

    Thanks in advance and wish me luck!

    1. Waaalaikumussalam, hello there! Yes. Alhamdulillah congratulations!

      1) I guess that would be okay, as long as you're comfortable with it and it doesn't go against the rule.

      2) You should get a proper file that can place all the certificates according to what they've asked in the interview letter (or somewhere in the website, I think). Basically, you need to provide your IC, birth certificates, parents' IC, SPM certificates (make sure it's not the slip one, try getting it from your school), sijil berhenti sekolah, and also a few certificates to show that you've English-related competitions / national level certificates.

      3) Oh I have an email: Surely you can ask me there too. Hit me up there if you want my whatsapp number okay?

      Good luck and do your best! :D

    2. Thanks and i have emailed you! :))

  35. hi. im just curious of the actual requirements to get into this program. i put foundation in tesl as my 3rd choice for upu bc i prioritise programs related to engineering. but well, my results werent that good for me to get into an engineering program so i decided to put tesl too since i got A+ for english and 1A for my 1119. since i thought english the only thing im best at, i put foundation in tesl in uitm as my 3rd choice. and well. i checked up the results today and er horror to me even, im not being called for an interview and ofc, now im confused. i thought the requirements are at least 5 credits, and at least an A- for english. my results are 5A 4B. the Bs are all science subjects. to make it clear i got an A+ for my english and 1A for my GCE-O. i know rezeki di tgn tuhan yes but honestly im upset bc now im even more scared. like what if i dont pass even the engineering programs im just scared pls answer thank you im sorry

    1. Hi. Alright, calm down for a second.

      You did said that you put TESL as your 3rd choice, right? And you did said that you prioritise on engineering programs.

      One thing I'm sure about this is that call for interviews are only made to those who put programs with interviews as their 1st or a close 2nd choice. They will prioritise to those who put, let say TESL, as 1st / 2nd choice.

      I don't mean to be hurtful or critical, but it is as if you prefer engineering than TESL. I know that you got all the requirements passed for TESL but by putting engineering courses as your first choice, it seems that you're more interested to be in engineering stream.

      That's just how the system works, and that is why we should be careful and considerate when choosing our courses. But not only it is due to the system itself, or we ourselves. Sometimes the universities that you applied have a certain quota for application. Hence, probably they've filled up the quota (since they are considering the 1st / 2nd optioners like I said earlier) so much so that you didn't stand a chance to be in there.

      So yeah, all I could say is I'm so sorry that you didn't get the interview, hence to be in the program. But don't worry. If you still insist of getting in TESL, you can apply for TESL diploma during the rayuan period. Or, you can just go with the flow and accept engineering course.

      Also, I'm pretty sure you can get the engineering course since you put it first. Or the least that you can get is any other options. So, have faith, stay strong and go with what you have. Cause, I don't intend to be mean when saying this, but you yourself have decided what courses to put as options when filling the UPU forms.

      So... I guess that's a bit helpful. Good luck for your UPU okay? :)

    2. wow i guess im the one being critical then hahahaha. thank u for explaining this im so sorry for the inconvenience. its just that i was so sure i was going to be called for the interview thats why im pretty upset abt it. so now i just gotta wait for either my first or second option to be accepted then i guess? or the others? sigh thank you so much for this im just scared bc i suck at physics and chemistry but i dream big hahahha i wanted to live in the engineering world but i didnt realise i risked one program i stand a chance most. thank you tho and doakan i dpt engineering pls amin if not my life is over zz thank you!

  36. assalamualaikum,saya nak tanya,yang sijil tu kene bawak dari form 1 punya ke?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Tak perlu pun, bawalah sijil-sijil yang tertinggi contohnya peringkat negeri dan kebangsaan, hatta antarabangsa sekalipun. Lagi bagus kalau ada sijil penyertaan / pencapaian dalam pertandingan yang berkaitan dengan bahasa Inggeris. Boleh menarik minat penemuduga untuk bagi markah lebih. :)

  37. Assalamualaikum do we need to photocopy our parents surat beranak? Because they are kind of busy right nw and if i dont bring them will it affect my iv? Cause some iv i went they dont even look at my certificates.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. You don't have to bring any copies of your parents' birth certificates, instead you should bring their IC copies. I don't think it would be a problem if you ask them politely to borrow their IC and make the copies by yourselves for a while.

      It may not affect your iv, but it's one of the ethics of interviewing to provide a few information about your background. You can't be sure about that though, since there are some interviewees who are fastidious and precise.

      All the best. :)

  38. Ohh yeah urmm btw abt the writting test do they also have like objective questions? Is it just like spm or more like vocabs and grammar?
    2.I heard they will also be an essay could u give me some example what the essay be like? Is it a story? Argumentative ? Fact? Im sorry if i ask to many questions haha bcause i really want this course.I would really appreciate if u help me :)

    1. Like I mentioned in my post above, we had a written test with two parts: MCQ which is mostly about vocabulary and grammar based on a passage, and an essay question. I'm not so sure about the essay, it can be anything: story, argumentative, fact etc.

      That's okay, I like the spirit! Good luck. :)

    2. Thanks you so much for u help.I will take ur advice and do my best on this saturday :)

  39. Hi ikhmal.. Can u share with us some bombastic words that u found in the writing test during your interview? I would love to know so that i will not get stuck for a long time gazing at the questions with unfamiliar words

    1. Hi! The only rare and unfamiliar words that I would remember was the word "despondent". I could only guess the meaning of the word based on the contextual clues, or how does the word fits in the sentence.

      For example: "She grew more and more despondent after the loss of her parents and her beloved pet."

      So by then, you can have a wild guess about its meaning, and choose the closest answer to the meaning. I suggest using this technique whenever you got stuck with these rare words.

      Also, do (or at least, try to) read a lot. Read anything - books, novels, poetry, newspapers, even twitter, facebook, youtube, instagram. Anything that can increase your vocabulary.

      All the best and good luck! :)

  40. macam mana nak jawab soalan contribute tu?

    1. Contribute tu awak boleh cakap yang awak boleh bantu untuk berkongsi ilmu yang pelajari kepada masyarakat, at least yang paling dekat dengan awak, contohnya kepada parents, adik beradik, sedara mara dan sebagainya. Tapi tak semestinya dia akan tanya soalan ni sebab tak semua orang dapat penemuduga yang sama, dan macam-macam jenis penemuduga yang ada. Ada yang baik, kelakar, spontan, tegas, garang, santai, relaxed dan sebagainya. :)

  41. Assalamualaikum and hey ikmal ! Im going to interview about this asasi tesl on this coming saturday. Oh lord im so nervous ! It happened when i saw on the letter stated that there will be EXAM for this. So i searched and click on ur link (seem its the most popular link i guess ?). I like ur post ! It was worth reading it. Thank u so much !

    I have a few questions;
    1 For the exam, there will be two sections ? First section is objective question (objective question as in they provided the answer like a, b, c and d ?) while second section is an essay question ?

    2 The essay part, based on your experienced is it hard ? At range 1-10 how hard was it ? I like writing but most of my writing essays were stories. and Im a bit lacking of skills on writing factual. Its an honoured if u could give me some tips on writing factual essay.

    3 During the interview, what if I CAN'T EVEN answer any of their questions (maybe I will answer. But crapping all the time ! Sigh) ? whats the impact ? Will I get chosen ? Cause I really want to get chosen. Its not because I love English. I just entahlah. My English was A-. So, I have that intention to improve in my English language. I have no ideas whether I have that potential though.

    4 This is the last one. Im sorry for the lengthy comments ! During the interview is there only us (interviewer and I) or with the other candidates ?

    Im hoping for ur replies ikmal ! Thank u.

    P/s: please do excuse my broken english. Im still learning. :)

    1. Waalaikumussalam. First of all, congratulations for getting the iv call!

      1) Yes. The objective is usually based on a given passage or short extract of a story, while the essay is, well, writing an one page (or more, depending on your handwriting) essay.

      2) It was not really that hard... I guess... but yeah, I'd say it was tricky. For me, it was like 6-7 or something. Unfortunately, I don't have much tips on writing factual essays tho, other than you really need to be prepared with anything. One of the ways is to read a lot (and I mean it cause if you want to be in this course, you need to read a lot, and there's a specific subject just on reading).

      3) If you are, let's say, speechless or trapped in their questions, simply request a few seconds from them to let you settle down and think for a moment. But pleeeeease don't let the pause goes on forever or too long. Make up something, say anything. The only thing matters about this interview is not how you answer the questions, but how well did you manage to answer. It's the confidence level that counts. If you really really interested to be in asasi TESL, show to them that you mean it. You know the saying, "say it like you mean it". Yeahh, that.

      4) The interview is conducted between two interviewees (usually) and you alone.

      Good luck and I wish you all the best! :)

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I'm sorry, you were asking something is it?

    2. Lol sape la remove comment sye..
      Sorry, i was asking if we could bring and use a correction tape during the essay part.. my writings can get a lil' crazy and messy (kes tulisan senget :-P ) especially when i am nervous haha
      Pls answer this random question of mine ^.^

  43. thank you so much for posting this! it really help me to prepare for my interview! :)

  44. Assalamualaikum Ikhmal. I got a call for the interview this Sunday. I have a few questions to ask you hehehehehe.

    1. About the current issues, can I talk about how society treats people who speaks or writes in English in their daily life? Because, recently I've seen a lot of people hating on a person who speaks/writes in English by saying that they are actually showing off and didn't appreciate our mother's language.

    2. About the introduce yourself part, I want to make it short and simple by saying my name, age, where I live and my hobbies. After that, I want to talk about since when I knew about TESL and how I've spent my free times by doing some research and reading some articles about TESL so that I'm prepared with the interview and the course itself. Is it okay? :DDDD

    Looking forward for your reply soon. Thank you~! :DDD

    1. Waalaikumussalam. First of all, congratulations! You're one step closer to be in asasi TESL.

      1) Yes. But be ready with any questions after that. They may ask you what can you do to prevent this from happening again.

      2) Good for making it short and simple. Telling them about you researching about TESL, even better.

      I think you are all set and ready for this interview. Go break a leg and good luck! :D

  45. asalamualaikum... I know this is a very late comment, but I really hope you will reply this. so, tommorow I will be going to the asasi tesl interview (Alhamdulillah... hehe) and I have a few question to ask...

    1. I haven't gotten the official SPM certificate since the school clerk told me that "benda tu tak keluar lagi la dik. yg ada pun sijil spm thun '14 je..."
    So, I only have the slip. What should I do?

    2. Do the interviewers need our PMR cert. as well?

    I think that's all of now. I'm really sorry if I'm asking this all of the sudden since tomorrow is the interview. I would be more than happy to see you replying this comment. Thank you so much.


      Where do your interview take place?

    2. Waalaikumussalam. Congratulations!

      1) You can bring the SPM slip, but do have someone such as your school principal / guru penolong kanan (any one) or ketua kampung to approve (sahkan siap tandatangan + cop sekali). In fact, you should sahkan all copies of your certificates to make it official. :)

      2. I'm not so sure. But please bring it alone. And remember to sahkan that too.

      Good luck for your interview tomorrow! :D

    3. @Adamia Haziqa my interview will be at the Dengkil campus. I hope I'll see you tomorrow... :D

      @Ikhmal Zikry alamak, dah lambat la pulak nak mintak tandatangan tu... T_T

  46. Hey Ikhmal, I am going to Tesl Interview tomorrow at Uitm Dengkil. I am very excited and i'm looking forward to it but i am also quite nervous. I mean, i read the comments above about avoiding using accents but i afraid i cannot do so because i am used to it and i have been using my american accent since forever (my english teacher was from Utah, Usa)I have tried to fake my accent to Malay but it didnt work. I am concerned about this 'cause you know, some people hates people with accents or hate the country, and stuffs like that.(they may be bias about it) Also, when you give the interviewer your file, do you need to take them back?( stupid question, i know but just in case.)

    1. Hey there! Wow congratulations!

      1) If you're already have a good grasp on using accents or have been speaking with accents for most of your whole life, then just go with it. The only thing about the accent issue, as I mentioned in my post, is that there are a few people that are misusing the accents and thought they are good with that. I know that they might say that they are still in the process of learning, which is good. But not everyone like it. I like people with accents, but I hate people with fake accents. Y'know, it's too fake you can hear they are trying so so hard to do it (but fails miserably in which they pretend not to admit it). But if your English is okay, and you have no problem using it throughout the 10-minutes-or-so interview, then use it wisely.

      2) No worries, they will give it to you back once they've done asking you, and you've done asking them (when given the chance to do so). :D

      Again, congratulations and all the best for you tomorrow! :DD

  47. evening. thanks for the very useful tips. i have my TESL interview this coming Sunday and is very nervous. :'D i am a 'safe word' user so i am terribly nervous for the writing test and currently have no idea on what to read. another thing, i am kind of stuck in Brit accent. should i just go with the flow? i cannot really speak normal English to be honest- please help, cries. thank you in advance.

    1. Hello there. Try to read about anything recent. It may not help a lot in your writing, but it's going to be helpful in your interview. Or vice versa. About the accent: if you're really good with it, use it well. Just go with the flow. Good luck this Sunday! May the odds be ever in your favour! :DD

  48. God.. I'm freaking nervous for tomorrow. Pray for me 😯😯😯😯 thanks for your wonderful article senior ikhmal 😆

  49. Hi ikhmal! I managed to get through the interview already this morning :) gosh, there were a lot of people! I met so many friendly people.
    The interview went well for me, i spoke to the interviewers like they're my friends. I hope they like me.
    I have a few questions, my friend said that they will no longer give allowance to asasi students? Only those who really deserves it can get it. Is that true?
    2) should i be preparing stuffs to buy for uitm already? Or am i being overconfident? XD

  50. salam ikhmal. Yesterday i used the tips on this entry and i'd like to thank you. 😊😊😊 May Allah bless you. Amin.

  51. assalammualaikum...
    hi ikhmal!!!! sya cuma maw ucapkan ribuan terima ksih atas nasihat2 yg awak brikan di atas

    bnyak info dan tips yg awk brikan telah sya gunakan sewaktu iv sebulan lalu dan dengan berkat doa dan support dari smua rakan2,kluarga dan ckgu2 sya dapat ditawarkan untuk ambik asasi TESLE di dengkil selangor!!!!

    again as one of my benefactor, i would like to thank u sooooo much 4 everything that u've posted

    one more thing, brapa ye kos yg diperuntukkan untuk ambil course ni???

    that's all i hope u have time to read this

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Hi there!

      Alhamdulillah, sama-sama. Saya hanya berkongsi informasi dan pengalaman saya semasa asasi TESL 2 tahun lepas. Mungkin sesetengahnya dah tak relevan memandangkan sekarang kampus dah disatukan di Dengkil. Tapi harap dapat manfaatkan sebahagian daripadanya ya.

      Walau bagaimanapun, saya tak berapa ingat dan pasti mengenai kos yang diperuntukkan untuk course ini. Tapi, yang pastinya, setiap pelajar asasi akan diberi biasiswa daripada KPTM berjumlah kira-kira RM 2,000, boleh digunakan untuk membiayai kos pengajian dan kos penginapan. Sebahagiannya atau bakinya jadi duit poket kitalah. Pelajar juga akan terima Baucer Buku 1 Malaysia berjumlah RM 250 pada semester 2.

      That's all that I can provide for now. I hope it may help you. :)

  52. Hi and assalamualaikum, actually, im gonna sit for spm this year and my teacher ask us to do about this one brochure called brochure kerjaya (its an annual thingy)

    ive search a lot in the internet, and i like English since i was in the kindergarten so i think i will pursue tesl eventho mara doesnt give any recommendation to their students that take science stream to continue with tesl or any bahasa thingy (im mrsm student but i dont like science at all),so actually, does tesl only will let us be a teacher ? Or journalist ? I mean is there any other jobs that i could take other than teaching ? (Im sorry id search in the internet a lot but i couldnt understand about the articles so maybe you can help me) i hope you can help me, thankyou for this lovely article, it really help, i will use all of this information soon for my brochure, thankyou very much

    1. Hi there, waalaikumussalam.

      Pardon me, but I beg to differ on that opinion that MARA does not recommend as so, because frankly, there are quite a number of people from MRSM who studied in Asasi TESL. It is not the question of where do you come from in secondary school. In university, you make your own decision, you are free to choose any courses you like, and if there's a chance and rezeki, inshaAllah you'll get it. So if you like English, go for English. Don't burden yourself going for other courses that you yourself know you can't handle it, or else you'll regret that decision all the times. Not trying to scare you or anything, but that's the reality.

      Fyi, TESL stands for Teaching English as a Second Language. Therefore, yes, anyone in TESL is trained, qualified and obliged to be an English teacher. But like I said, you make your own decision, especially in tertiary education. You can choose to be anything within the English prospect to do any jobs.

      But, here's the thing: TESL is specifically for teaching english, therefore if you want to be a teacher, you need to take TESL. Besides TESl, there are other English-related courses like degree in English for Professional Communication in UiTM, degree in English for Communication in UniSZA, diploma in English in UIAM, degree in English Literature in USM etc. Anyone who takes these courses also learn the same thing as in TESL, except that they are not trained to be English teachers. Hence, ppl in this courses are not limited to just one prospect which is education like in TESL. But that doesn't mean they can't teach or so. They can, but not as teachers. They can be lecturers, tutors and others. Journalists, editors, ambassadors, translators, linguistic consultants... these are other jobs related with English courses.

      So, just to sum up:

      TESL = English courses that train ppl to be teachers
      EPC/ English comm / literature = English courses

      Hope it helps and so sorry if it's too late. :)

  53. Thanks a lot for sharing this. I'll be sitting for SPM this year. I hope I'll be able to apply this course. But I don't really entered competition at school, so I'm afraid that I'll lose opportunity on this course. Is it really matter?(co-curricular mark?)

    1. So sorry for the late reply. I haven't pay much attention on my blog for quite a while.

      I'm pretty sure by the time I'm answering your question, you have already sat for your SPM last year and are currently awaiting for your results (this month or so, if I'm not mistaken). First of all, good luck with your results!

      Regarding the co-curriculum aspects, that won't really affect your entry to Asasi TESL, as foundation students are not obliged to take any co-curricular activities since the foundation campus itself is separated from any other campuses that has diploma or degree courses which are mostly bounded with those sorts of activities like KESATRIA, PALAPES and others.

      In short, you don't need to worry on that. All you have to focus is your comprehension and firm grasp on English language itself, because that's the only thing that matters if you want to be in Asasi TESL.

      I wish best of lucks to you. :)

  54. Sye nk tanye.. Between asasi tesl di uitm or dip tesl, ape perbezaan die? Kalau dip tesl nie 2 thun ke 3 thun? Sye mmg nak pilih asasi tesl kt uitm nie.. Tpi mak sye.. + mak saudare sye.. Melebihkan diploma.. Jadi sye rase mcm takde semangat dh.. Diaorang mcm salah faham tentang asasi nie.. Boleh tolong explain tak? Sye nak bagitau mak sye tntg kelebihan asasi tesl nie berbanding dgn diploma tesl tue.. Lagi satu, kalau asasi tesl nie, biase satu semester tue yuran die berape?? Abang dulu berape?

    Sye tgh tunggu result spm.. Sye dh tgk dh upu hari tue..

    1. Bezanya asasi vs. diploma:

      1) Tempoh pembelajaran

      Asasi TESL di UiTM = 1 tahun

      Diploma TESL di universiti-universiti lain (cth: UIAM, UniSZA) = 3/4 tahun (termasuk tempoh praktikal iaitu mengajar di sekolah)

      Jadi, tempoh belajar asasi lebih pendek daripada diploma:
      - Diploma ada praktikal, asasi tiada
      - Diploma ambil masa 3/4 tahun untuk ke peringkat ijazah sarjana muda (degree), asasi hanya setahun
      - Diploma ada program ko-kurikulum yang WAJIB (cth: KESATRIA, PALAPES, kelab dan persatuan universiti dll, lebih kurang macam masa sekolah menengah), asasi tiada
      - Diploma boleh ditempatkan di mana-mana kampus, bergantung kpd kursus yang dimohon, asasi UiTM hanya di kampus Dengkil, Selangor

      2) Biasiswa

      Asasi: ada biasiswa percuma oleh KPM, terbuka kepada semua program asasi di universiti seluruh Malaysia (jadi, kalau memang masuk program asasi mana-mana pun, secara automatiknya akan dapat biasiswa ni).

      Jumlah biasiswa ni, kalau tak silap, masa zaman saya dulu (2014-2015), adalah lebih kurang RM 2,000++. Tambahan lagi, pelajar dari Sabah & Sarawak juga akan diberi wang untuk perbelanjaan pergi dan balik. Agak cukuplah kalau pandai jaga duit, sebab perbelanjaan hanya pada bahan pembelajaran sahaja (cth: buku teks, ditempah dari luar negara, jadi agak mahal).

      Diploma pula, sama ada:
      - Disara sendiri oleh keluarga (self-sponsored)
      - Boleh mohon mana-mana pinjaman biasiswa seperti PTPTN (ingat ya, pinjaman, lepas habis diploma kena bayar balik)
      - Mohon daripada jabatan agama atau zakat negeri masing-masing, tapi mungkin hanya boleh dapat untuk satu semester sahaja sepanjang tempoh pengajian (sekali je dalam tempoh 3/4 tahun).
      - Atau biasiswa lain yang percuma, bergantung kpd keputusan semester, biasanya permohonan biasiswa hanya boleh dibuat pada semester 2, bila dah dapat keputusan semester 1. Yang ini kena maintain dan kekalkan keputusan dari semester 1 hingga semester akhir (7/8).

      Kalau 1 semester = 5 bulan, 8 semester?
      Boleh kekalkan prestasi tiap-tiap semester, tanpa jatuh?
      Sebab kalau jatuh, biasiswa boleh ditarik semula.

      (Tak kiralah asasi ke diploma, pointer tetap kena jaga juga. Hahahaha)

      3) Sijil

      Asasi = tiada sijil, kena sambung ijazah sarjana muda/degree untuk dapatkan sijil, baru boleh bekerja
      Diploma = ada sijil, boleh bekerja dahulu sebelum sambung ke degree

      Tempoh dari habis asasi ke sambung degree agak lama juga. Dulu, zaman saya dari bulan Mei ke Ogos. Jadi, disebabkan saya hanya berkelulusan asasi, tak dapat nak mohon kerja guna keputusan asasi, tapi sebaliknya hanya guna sijil SPM.

      Ini kena tepuk tanya selera. Kalau tak kisah cuti lama-lama sementara tunggu sambung degree, boleh consider ambil asasi.

      Setakat ni, itulah je lah yang dapat maklumkan tentang kelebihan (dan adalah juga satu kekurangan) asasi vs. diploma.

      Yuran satu semester tu tak ingat pula, sebab dah lama dah zaman asasi. 2014-2015. Tapi kalau asasi UiTM, kalau tak silaplah, tak kena bayar yuran pada hari pendaftaran. Boleh dibayar selewat-lewatnya sebelum peperiksaan akhir (final). Jangan bayar lambat-lambat pula, nanti tak dapat result pula. Tak lebih RM 1,000 pun, dalam RM 600 gitu. Lagipun, UiTM adalah salah satu universiti yang agak murah yurannya berbanding universiti lain di Malaysia.

      Rasanya setakat ini jelah yang dapat diberitahu. :)

      Also, good luck for your SPM result! :)

  55. Salam brother Ikhmal.. I hope you are in the pink..

    Im waiting for SPM result which will be announced this March and currently im surveing some courses *TESL is one of them* and im still puzzled about it. My first question is what's the difference between Foundation in TESL and Diploma in Bahasa Inggeris?? Or do i missed something? And the second one was your SPM result? -- if you dont mind to share-- Did it passes all of the possessed conditions?

    1. *The answer was posted on 22 February 2017, but I didn't reply the thread so here it is.*

      Wassalam. Alhamdulillah I'm all well. :)

      1) I answered this kind of question (foundation vs. diploma TESL) in the previous comment. You can check that out.

      2) I shared my SPM result in my previous post long time ago. Here's the link to it:

  56. Salam. may I knw the interval date bfore the interview ? I mean usually berapa hari diorang bagi fr preparation interview utk tarikh interview tu ? Is it 1 week before d interview? Thank you

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Assalammualikum ikhmal.. i applied for asasi tesl in upu as the first choice and i saw # means there's an interview but how to know the date of interview.? Cause I already open the website of uitm and it look like I cannot click on it.. so? Is it the date of interview is published along the upu result? I'm really hoping u will reply this.. Tq..

      Hye! Im applying TESL as my 1st choice too. U can check here but they haven't updated the date yet. Do recheck as much as u can so will keep update. Good luck !

  59. Assalamualaikum and hello ikhmal ^^
    I had a few question in my mind and I hope that you can answer it to fade up my curious haha...

    Can we continue TESL Foundation into another degree which involve linguistic such as Linguistic in French, Chinese or Japan

    Is it really hard to get MUET Band 4 seriously I'm thinking how difficult is MUET cause I don't really know how MUET progress...

    Hope you reply this soon thanks ^^

    1. Waalaikumussalam. So sorry for the late reply, been busy with final exams and assignments for the past few months.

      1) Yes you can. In fact, you can apply to any degree course of your preference, as long as it is in the same field (TESL = humanitarian course/kemanusiaan, not science). I have a fellow TESLian who enrolled on German Linguistics degree in UPM, if I'm not mistaken. :)

      2) Well, depends on your English proficiency. If you're confident that you are fluent and capable of understanding and communicating in English, you can get at least a Band 3 for MUET. Band 4 is quite an average score for TESLians. Alhamdulillah, I got a Band 5.

      For the progress of the test itself, it's pretty much like the same old exam format you've been acquainted with. You will have 4 papers to sit: each for different English skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking. For the first two, it's pretty much like English Paper 1 and 2 for SPM. For listening, you will need to listen to a series of conversation, one topic at a time, and to jot down the details that the questions asked relating to the dialogues. Be sure to know how and which words are pronounced, yet no worries - most of the times, the conversations are spoken by Malaysians with good English. Lastly, there will a speaking test, where you will be sit into a group of 4, each will be discussing a particular point of a topic given to you (but you need to elaborate the details and examples by your own), and you will need to have a group discussion among those 3 other people to decide whose point is the best one. This one, you need to be a bit more confident and it depends on the grouping itself - it will be fun if you get people who can speak really well and they will steer the discussion to a very efficient conclusion. On the other hand, if you get people with less proficiency (maybe quite visibly lesser than yours), YOU will need to lead the discussion so that everyone can get marks and not just sit there quietly and awkwardly amongst yourselves.

      All the best and good luck. :)

    2. Oh my, what a long paragraph I've written... 😅

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Assalamualaikum Ikmal,
    Firstly, I would like to ty for your blog as it helps me to visualize how the interview will goes,
    Honestly, Im quite scared to go to the interview next monday as idk if i really can speak english fluently in front of the interviewers,
    i would like to ask a couple of question If U don't mind
    first, What topic do you think should i discuss when or if they ask about current educational system in Malaysia?
    secondly, What Can I Do To Make My Chance increase to get in the program?
    thats all :)
    SorryFor My Bad English, Hehehehehe

  62. hi there! i'll be having my iv this saturdayyy (22/4) and i just knew it today! hahahaha but i'm good since i'm always that last-minute type of girl lol. btw, thank you for your sharing here, it sure helps a lot. wish me luck buddy! :)

  63. Asalam!
    I will be attending the TESL interview on this sunday. Like the post above me , I just found out about it today. I am very nervous.
    Can I ask what type of question do they ask in the written test?
    especially the essay one. I am very bad at writing essay.
    I wish I could've prepare myself more for this interview T^T

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just like ikhmal said that there will be 2 sections. The 1st one is objective and the 2nd is essay. For the 1st section, do read the articles carefully. For the 2nd section, the topic is quite general. I got an essay question on the benefits of studying locally. But, different session usually gets different set of papers. So if your friend interviewed for the morning session, and you get the evening session, you might get a different set of question. Remember to use wh-questions when writing the essay. Bear in mind that the interviewer might ask you to sing or dance cause that happened to my friend. So just be prepared okay. Basically the interviewer would like to know more about your personality and always be confident in whatever you're saying. Don't worry yourself too much, the lecturers are all very nice and sporting. Hope this helps and goodluck for your interview.

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  65. assalamualaikum bro and hi there :))) i've finished my tesl interview this morning .. but guess what .. i think i cant make fr the oral test because based from what had happened .. im the fastest one who came out from the blank and scary room T_______T .. im the 17th person but not actually 16 turnt to wait for .. soo .. when i sat down on the lonely mental torture chair , one of the panels (female) ask me abt where i came from . how many siblings in my family . how i went to the interview . what the name of my school that i went . why i choosed tesl . why tesl . what scale from 1-10 i thinked abt my english in me .. how do i predicted that scale . what does i participate in ? what i've gain from the sport competition . what th fun definition fr me .. why i dont discover the english fr past 11 years ? (because this question i answered it with your option tht you gave above .. T^T really thankful to you .. but y this happened to me ...why she asked that HOTSS question to me .. huuu ) ... i thinked she would ask many further abt anything that much related to me sch as hobby , abt my parent , about my place that i lived .. a kind of tht .. but its be totally changed from what others have said ... pleasee ... i begging you to help me digesting some random assumption of whats goin on in my interview .. mmm .. i dont have an idea whats wrong with it because the oral test lefted me in distractionssssssssssss n miserables question ... (fr addition , i answered all the question with simple answer and bolok wordsss ) what kind of species do you think i am bro ikhmal :'))))

    1. hahahaha omg i think you're the same species as me. but anyway i'm going to the interview this saturday and i hope they didn't ask me tht kind of HOTSS questions

  66. is there any chances i could still get asasi tesl for the second intake by doing the e-rayuan because i didn't get the first intake..

  67. Hi, assalamualaikum

    I had completed my SPM this year and I'm going to be a Clinical Psychologist ( hopefully ). I'm considering about taking TESL foundation and then continue with psychology degree because as far as I know TESL foundation is not only for future english teachers and science foundation is not necessary for students who plan on taking psychology degree. Am I right ? What do you think the right path for me? Ya Allah what should I do?

  68. hai and assalamualaikum spm leaver .. thanks for your sharing .. its really help me .. tesl foundation is my dream but i dont have high confident in speaking english . as you can see i only know how to speak broken english .. argh .. what should i do .. do pray for me to get an offer to further my study in foundation tesl ..

    1. Hi, waalaikumussalam. First of all, congratulations for finishing your SPM and getting your result a few weeks ago.

      When it comes to English, of course people would always see speaking as the main part. That's the most outstanding part of all. Speaking requires confidence, and if you really are interested in TESL, you must have that confidence built up. Read more, watch more English TV series/shows/movies, listen to more English songs/podcasts, speak to yourself/others more often and regularly.

      From your writing, I see that you have a basic grasp of the language, meaning that you must have known the basic rules of grammar, what to use and whatnot. Therefore, keep on benefiting that knowledge into speaking. That's okay if you speak with broken English, or you say something that does not sound right when you think (fikir nak cakap lain, tapi keluar benda lain pulak). That's totally fine. We, as second language learners and speakers, still do that. Stutter, gagap, and all that... that's normal. However, it's the confidence, the spirit, the goodwill of speaking in front of others or even to yourself in English is what matters.

      Hopefully, with that tips, you can build up your confidence and strive further to achieve your goals.

      Looking forward to hear more from you. Best of luck! :D

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  70. hi ikhmal ! so i want to ask you a few questions.

    1) im a science stream student. tapi none of the science subject i dapat A. but my english dapat a+ and 1119 1a. still layak ke nak amik tesl?

    2)kalau addmath dengan bio tak dapat kredit (tapi tak fail la), can i still put tesl as my 1st choice? still teragak agak nak letak asasi tesl as my first choice sebab subject bio and addmath i tak okay. but i memang suka english sangat. so should i put tesl as my first choice or switch it with my second choice ?

    1. hey there, i am currently a tesl student in Uitm Dengkil, doing my foundation. so yeah regarding your question, you still boleh apply asasi tesl. syarat dia english at least A- and credit for maths OR addmaths. means either one lah bukan both maths and addm kena credit. i hope this helps you. goodluck applying for it!

    2. Hi ikhmal, I have a few questions about the essay. Does the topic of the essay always factual? Because I have read a lot of blogs regarding to tesl and most of their essays are factual and by most of i meant all of them and this kinda worries because i am more to a narrative-essay person. So do you have any tips on how to write a great factual essay ?

    3. i have the same problem as you, i'm more into narrative essay

    4. Hi there. Sorry for the late reply.

      Here's what I would usually do when writing factual essay:

      Let say the topic is about "studying locally".

      1) Start with an introductory paragraph with just 3/4 sentences.
      - First & 2nd sentences: write a general definition / view on the topic. For example, what does it mean by studying locally? Who is affected by this issue? What age? What do you mean by locally? Is there a different between studying locally and overseas?
      - 3rd / last sentence: write a thesis statement (a statement mentioning the idea of the essay and your main points)
      Not sure if they will provide the points for you in the test, maybe come up with 3 main points at least.
      Then write: The benefits of studying locally are close distance from home, ease of transportation, and for safety and protection.
      ^ that is a thesis statement.

      2) The contents:
      Remember those main points? Use them here.
      Here's the formula.
      One paragraph = 1 main point
      Start each paragraph with:
      - 1st sentence = topic sentence (just state what are you talking about: the first benefit of studying locally is ease of transports)
      - 2nd sentence = elaboration (give some more information about the point: studying locally is helpful since you can just go to your campus by a car, a bus, train or plane.
      - 3rd sentence = more elaboration (add more info: it is easier than having to buy tickets, waiting at the airport, then taking the plane and having to spend time for a few hours to reach the destination)
      - 4th sentence = include some examples (for example, studying in uitm is better than studying in oxford, because uitm is much closer and located in Malaysia, so you can just go there by land transport, compared to oxford you have to buy tickets and whatnot.)
      - 5th sentence (optional) (you may want to include more examples/elaboration, you may do so here)
      - 6th/last sentence = end with the same first sentence of the paragraph, but with more confident! (that is why studying locally have more benefits because ease of transport)

      Now, that's one main point. Continue doing so with all points by making new paragraphs and writing using the same structures.

      3) Conclusion
      -Start with the same thesis statement you use in the intro paragraph
      -then next sentence, write your hope or extra reasons to support/not support the topic, convince people to agree with you!

      THE END

      Hopefully this would help ^.^"

  71. Is there any dress code for the interview ?

  72. Hi ikhmal! I just checked ,and i got an iv at uitm merbok this sunday.. So i have a few questions for u 😊
    1. Did u do any preparations before the iv like practicing essay or something like that and if you did,what kind?
    2. Regarding the certificates ,do i have to bring my bm,addmath,akaun and other sub ujian lisan certificate? Andd can i bring a certificate when i was in lower form? Or they just want the upper form je? Because dia ada kena mengena dgn eng.
    3. What would you do if suddenly blank masa jawab iv tu? Cause i get nervous easily when under pressure...
    Sorry for my rojak language ,hope u understand it.. And thanks for the beneficial content in your blog,i come here almost every day after the results were announced because i really was interested in this programme.. 🤗🤗🤗 hope u reply soonn ,thanks again..

  73. hi. Sekiranya saya tidak krdt Math dlm SPM , masih boleh kah saya apply utk tesl ?

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  75. I will be having an interview this sunday and i'm already freaked out. The essay scared me because i really don't know how to write giving out opinion kind of essay. Its 2019 and i really don't know any current issues or current educational issues. I really need some advice regarding on how i can talk confindently without going blank or forgetting word.

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  77. can u give some tips on how to make video resume since 2019 spm leavers are pretty freaked out due to this MCO?

    1. Im currently struggling making video for the online interview, is there any tips for not to be nervous when giving your answer

    2. We're in the same boat...imma having headache😪😂😪😂
