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The Chancellery Main Building of UiTM Shah Alam |
June 1st, 2014 marks the first day I stepped into the campus life and earned myself the right to become a pre-degree student. I am taking TESL course for 2 semesters in UiTM Shah Alam. That day, I went to Kolej Perindu to register and met my fellow roommates at room 2402. The first week was spent as orientation week also known as ‘Minggu Destini Siswa’.
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During the orientation week |
Throughout the whole week, we were taken care by our beloved seniors who also members of the MPPU (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar UiTM). Some of them were – quite honestly – very strict. We were told to wake up early at 4 am and to obey all rules and regulations set by the university and by them. Any act of ignorance will end up all hell breaks loose. At this moment, I thought I was in a boot camp. But later on, as the week went by, I was starting to feel I was on the right track. With the help of the seniors, we did our college registration and heard all kinds of briefing about the campus life and how to survive it. One of the memorable moments of the week was the final night when our seniors threw an appreciation party celebrating and welcoming the presence of the freshman students. It was a joyful and jubilant night as we sang and danced. The good thing was although we just knew each other for a mere couple of days, it was like as if it has been years of friendship.
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My roommates as well as our neighbours, enjoying our very first pizza treat. |
Living as a college student means that you need to get to know and make friends with everyone in your dorm. Since the first day, I have met 7 awesome roommates. Basically, we are different in terms of the courses we are taking, backgrounds, lifestyle etc. Course-wise, I am the only one who chooses TESL. Every morning, I have to wake up early and prepare myself in order to catch the earliest bus and I come home late at evening – sometimes at night. But that didn’t stop me to spend time together with them. We have our dinner together every night either at the Perindu Café or at Dataran Cendekia. I often help them do their homework and they would lend a hand to me. The first time we spent time together, it was the first Saturday since we got here. We planned to go to PTAR 1, but it was closed due to Agong’s birthday. Then, one of us wanted to go to the Faculty of Art & Design just to see how the place is. We ended up roaming around the campus just by walking. We looked like a bunch of fools as cars, buses and motorcycles passed by. Nevertheless, we never regretted that moment.
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Walking down memory lane |
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Between racks of books |
The second week is where the real game begins. At first, I thought the Faculty of Education is inside the campus. But as it turned out, it is located in INTEC campus at Section 17. The first day of the week, we boys had to wait for the bus at the Perindu bus stop for an hour. Yet, the only available is the Rapid KL bus en route to Section 2 where we boarded and had to exchange to another bus there. That trip alone cost me RM 2. As we arrived at INTEC, we found out that there is a bus available for students going to and back from INTEC. In the end, we laughed to ourselves that we should have taken that bus for free instead of the one we’ve taken.
That day began with a replacement test where all TESL students must answer a set of objective questions and write a 200-word essay. We were separated into groups and assigned into different test rooms. I was astonished the moment I stepped into the test room as I was the only boy among the girls. I had to say, the replacement test was quite tough but I managed to answer it within the given time. After the test was over, we were introduced to Ms Mellisa, our head coordinator who would handle and guide us throughout the registration process before truly be recognized as TESL students of UiTM. I listened to multiple introductory briefings from the lecturers and got to know more with other students who would soon become my friends and classmates.
The next day, I was transferred to a class called Group E. There were only 3 boys out of 26 students. Madam Adzura, our first lecturer that came to our class led the first ice-breaking session, when I knew more about my classmates. Most of them were here because of their choice, and some were forced to be here by their parents. They were very kind and supportive as they enjoyed being friends with each other including with me.
In essence, I have learned a lot within the first month of being a pre-degree student. I learned how to communicate better with other people and speak fluently in English. I also learned to be independent and responsible of my own act and doing. Among my friends, we established a good start of a friendship bond by getting to know each other pretty well. As time goes by, I am starting to realize that this course is the right one for me as it is my passion to learn and teach English as well as my ambition of becoming a teacher one day.
*This was an essay I wrote during the first semester for College Study Skills subject. Since then, I fell in love with this programme, and all the people in it. I'm about to finish the foundation in a about two or three weeks from now on. :)
hey assalamualaikum, its me again just wanna ask u something, how did u managed to write in english so well?! haha well thts what i most concern about if i ever get selected to this programme after i finished my interview. im not really great in writing in english so can u give me some advice how to cope this problem? besides, i tend to use a wrong grammar thats clearly seen when its come to my writing. what to do eh? help me will you? thanks :)
ReplyDeleteHey waalaikumussalam!
Delete1) Don't worry with your grammar or comprehension/understanding in English. You'll surely learn them in the program. But during the interview, try to show off your English skill to the fullest. Make good impression to them that you ARE interested to be in this program. If you can speak English fluently, just speak. Toksah kisah pasal grammar berterabur ke apa. Just speak je. Confidence is key.
2) For writing, buat setakat ni, my advice is to avoid using bombastic words. Guna simple tense je macam simple present tense dan simple past tense. Tulis ayat ayat yang panjang tapi tak rumit. Struktur ayat tu just yang simple dan mudah difahami.
3) Kalau you rasa grammar awak salah masa menulis, saya cadang guna cara ni:
- Pronoun I, You, We, They - kata kerja selepasnya macam 'play' jangan letak s.
- Pronoun He, She, It - kata kerja selepasnya letak s - 'plays'
- letak '-ing' selepas 'is, are, was, were'; bukan selepas 'to'
- '-ing' tu maksudnya 'sedang melakukan'
Kalau buat essay, guna method 5 perenggan:
1) Introduction
2) First main idea
3) Second main idea
4) Third main idea
5) Conclusion
Alright? :) Kalau ada apa-apa masalah, tanya je. Insya-Allah boleh tolong. Btw, bila interview ye?
alhamdulilah thanks for the advice! hehe ive practiced my essay writing, so in shaa Allah ill do my best during the test. and your tips are really helpful, they made me trust in myself even better. well, this saturday ill be going for the interview at UiTM Dungun, Trg- (( sy orang Trganu hehe)) and yeah i really wanted to be one of the TESLian, so um yeah haha thank you sooo much for your help senior! and i pray for our best! btw, sorry baru perasan reply komen ni :)
DeleteHi and assalamualaikum.
ReplyDeleteI've got asasi tesl uitm 2015/2016. How hard it would be? How you manage your time? Susah ke kalau ambik kos ni? Cara study macam mana? Senang ke nak score? In your opinion, IPG and TESL which one is the best choice? Sorry banyak tanya.
Hi waalaikumussalam.
DeleteFirst of all, congratulations to you! Asasi TESL is not that hard compared with any other foundation studies like law, science, engineering etc. Sebab asasi TESL dia tackle more on the language side, how the grammar works, how do we write our essays - the basic things lah and more to that too. But in my experience, Belajar asasi ni pun tak berapa susah lah. Yang susahnya kita nak kena banyak membaca. In fact, ada satu subjek khas untuk mengasah kemahiran kita membaca je! So memang rajin membaca lah. Hahahahaha
Time management pula, dari pukul 7 pagi hingga 5 petang, memang kita spend time mostly kat fakulti je untuk belajar and all. Don't worry, you can still have your rest for a moment or two kat kolej. Sebelah malam pula, kalau boleh do your assignment as early as possible. Do your exercise ke do a bit research ke, anything lah.
Like I said, course taklah sesusah mana, and tak sesenang mana. Just so-so. Less stress bila kita dah selesai segala assignments and projek. So kena pandai bahagi masa sebab pernah ada experience in one week dapat 3-4 assignments and everything need to be sent by the end of that week. Fuuuhhh belum lagi ada presentation, speech, drama etc. All in all, be wise on how you manage your time, money and energy.
Cara study you can refer to my previous or last posts. You'll be studying for 2 semesters (1 semester = 6 months, so everything should be done in a year + plus holidays and all)
Both semesters, you'll be studying 8 subjects and 4 of them are core subjects.
- College Reading
- College Writing
- Listening & Speaking
- Grammar
As the names suggest, you'll find out that you akan belajar exactly those skills. Other than those subjects, ada subjects tambahan, different for both semesters.
Semester 1:
- College Study Skills (cara-cara nak belajar and do your revisions)
- Computer Literacy (kemahiran komputer)
- Malaysian Studies (sejarah Malaysia)
- Islamic Educations Studies I
Semester 2:
- Language & Drama (basically, just drama and plays, and you'll have to perform)
- Introductory Literature (poems & short stories + you have to write a poem)
- Basic Principles of Education (cara-cara dan asas kemahiran mengajar)
- Islamic Education Studies II
For scoring pulak, mind you that this is university and kita akan pakai scoring method yang CGPA / pointer. So, sebenarnya takde method yang khas untuk kita dapatkan score tinggi. It's just our sole effort and attention on how we tackle the subjects. But most students akan ace everything lah, at least lepas tahap 3.0 tu. And in TESL, you'll be required to get at least that. Below 3.0 is a no-no for TESL students. Don't worry, jarang ada case orang dapat pointer below 3.0. Kalau dapat pointer 3.5 and above, you'll get acknowledged as Dean's List (DL).
In my opinion, TESL is a more interesting option than IPG, because IPG students memang surely akan jadi cikgu lepas habis belajar. TESL pula, you don't necessarily get to be a teacher, which is great kan, sebab you can also become an editor, a reporter, a translator, an advisor.... anything associated with English language lah. So, ada banyak lagi skop & prospek kerjaya kalau masuk TESL. Tapi ni just my humble opinion lah. Ada je TESL students yang awal-awal masuk asasi ni, then a few weeks later dapat panggilan IPG. Some ada yang pergi, but some prefer to stay sebab dah biasa dengan persekitaran. In the end, it's all up to you jugak nak yang mana.
I think I have covered everything. So kalau nak tanya anything else, boleh just do so here, or find me in twitter where you can also connect with other seniors jugak. They can give you more advice on this matter plus ada yang nak jual buku teks dorang jugak. Hahahahaha okay that's all. :)
Assalamualaikum and hello there :) One question : " That day began with a replacement test where all TESL students must answer a set of objective questions and write a 200-word essay. We were separated into groups and assigned into different test rooms. " --- Does it means that you have to write an essay again after you got selected for Asasi TESL? (( after the written test & interview ))
ReplyDeleteAnd anyway, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. It helps a lot. I've been searching for this kind of posts since forever and I just found it now, how sad. Hahaha but I'm really grateful that I've finally found it.
Waalaikumussalam. Hi! :)
DeleteAbout that - it was actually not a real diagnostic test or whatever you might think it is. It's more like a task that we had to do. Of course, at first we all felt like it was mandatory, like another audition or so.
But as it turned out, our lecturer told us it was just a preliminary test. They wanted to see how good our English was, so that they know whether they should start teaching from scratch or not.
But don't worry tho, it was just a test nonetheless. I figure you won't take it as a problem if they ask you to write an essay, right?
I mean, if you're a writer kind of people. lol jk hahahaha :D
Hahaha nope, I won't. I kinda love writing though haha. And anyway, can I ask you a favour ? Thank you for your reply :)
DeleteSure, no problem.
DeleteKalau x menyusahkan la ... haha. Do you know any senior and junior who also in UiTM Asasi TESL (( which I guess of course you do haha )) that can help me with ? You've shared your experience about the interview. So I'm thinking about asking the different batches at least. I mean, the questions might be a bit different from yours right? I just wanna do some "analysis". Sye ni mmg nervous kuat so I am like " I have to be more specific and well prepared so I have to dig more information than others would do " kind of person. I am a very nervous person actually hahaha (( padahal result interview x keluar pun lagi )) Sooo ... If you do, and they can help me then how can I contact them ? Sorry for being so talkative but seriously I mean everything I said haha. Thank you :)
DeleteWell, I'm not sure if I've known any asasi tesl seniors tho, but I do have a few juniors doing their asasi year in Dengkil right now. If you have twitter account, you can try asking @jeryalifhaiqal @citystone_ @azrnzm. Or you ask another one on ask.fm (https://ask.fm/lompat_tikam). I think all of them are very supportive.
DeleteNo worries - talkative is a trait of TESLian tho. Hahahaha :D You're welcome. Good luck :)
Alhamdulillah. Thank you a lot! I'll do my best 💪
DeleteHow you learn english and make a better writing essay. Can you suggest me a book what can i read for got a better writing essay.